Twenty Six.

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A/N: This chapter is dedicated to my boyfriend who fell in a river last Sunday and terrified my grandparents. He had fallen into the freezing water when playing with my dog, but somehow managed to swim his way out and laugh about it. When I asked him if he was okay, he said: "That was the closest to a fish I have ever felt." I feel like there is a lesson to learn in there somewhere, but I'm not sure where.

"That," Finn said. "Is fucking beautiful."

The three of us stared at the waterfall in front of us. It wasn't a big one, but a small one that led into a small clear river that had quite a weak current. The water rushed in front of us like busy people on the stairs of a train station, little droplets being sent off in all directions.

A layer of mud was still covering Finn and I, but the rain had stopped falling so there was no chance of it being washed off. We stood there, quite uncomfortable, but with swollen lips and flushed faces. There was a rush in my stomach that made me unable to meet his eye.

It was clear that he couldn't look at me either.

It was funny: Ross was always so desperate for Finn and I to make a move on each other, but now we had done it he seemed quite unnerved and unwilling to talk about it. I didn't mind the small break from Ross's sick pubescent male obsession on relationships and sex, but it was odd to see him so quiet.

My lips broke into a smile. One day, when Ross  was more mature and got a girlfriend, I would remind him of how he was with Finn and I.

Oh, shit. I accidentally made it sound like Finn and I were in a relationship. That wasn't true. I definitely wasn't ready for that. Definitely not.

Ross broke the silence by walking forward and sitting on the river's edge, taking his shoes off and dangling his feet into the freezing water. "Is it cold?" Finn asked. Ross nodded, staring at the water around his pale toes.

"What's wrong?" I asked Ross, knowing instinctively that he was sad about something. He didn't answer. "Ross! Hello?"

"What? No, I'm fine. Nothing's wrong." He mumbled.

"You were so excited to see this waterfall and now you're just sitting here. Come on! Be excited." I smiled.

"I don't feel like it." He shrugged.

"What the fuck is wrong?" I frowned, serious now. "I won't cook you dinner if you don't tell me."

"You mean that you won't cook those burgers on the campfire?" He turned round.

"Nope." I put my hands on my hips. "Got anything to tell me?"

Ross sighed and bit his lip. "It's just shit, you know? You and Finn have kissed and stuff and you clearly like each other. I don't have anyone who wants to be my girlfriend."

"You don't need anyone. You're young. You'll find the right person at the right time: if you rush it then it won't be the right person." I told him.

"It's just sad." He nodded.

While we had been talking, we hadn't been paying attention to what Finn was doing. All of a sudden, he shouted. "If you won't enjoy the river, Ross, I will!"

We looked up to see that Finn had stripped out of all of his clothes until he was just in his boxers. There was still mud on his face and chest and before Ross and I could even ask what he was doing he leapt into the river ahead of us, landing on his feet and taking a deep breath.

Bursting out laughing, Ross immediately forgot his sadness. "What are you doing?" He said through laughter.

"It is so cold!" Finn shivered, laughing and running his hand through his hair.

"You're crazy!" Ross laughed so hard that he bent over, making himself vulnerable to Finn. Although Ross was fully clothed, Finn reached over and pulled him into the water. Ross screamed and gasped, ending up standing in the water next to his brother. "It's freezing!" he remarked.

They splashed each other and messed about, leaving me sitting on the rocks watching them. After a while, and after Ross had nearly drowned twice, the boys stopped and looked at me. "No." I said. "Don't even think about it."

They smiled at each other and started wading towards me. "No!" I squealed. "I don't want to have to walk all the way home soaking wet!"

Before I could run, Finn got hold of one of my arms and Ross got hold of the other. They both pulled as hard as they could and I found myself suddenly gasping for air with ice cold water stinging my pale skin. "I hate you both so much!" I shivered, giggling breathlessly.

"Good." Finn winked at me. "I'm glad to hear it."

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