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I stumbled out of bed, grabbing my forehead in agony. Just as I was about to walk into the lounge, still in my pajamas, I heard Finn talking angrily.

"I can't believe them! Especially that Mark motherfucker. She was absolutely wasted and they just left her alone in the street to wait for me at three in the morning!"

Quietly, I hid behind the door frame, listening in.

"I know, that's out of order. But she's safe now, right?" I heard Ross, and could just imagine him shrugging.

"But anything could have happened to her. Imagine if I got stuck in traffic!" Finn's voice was thick with anger.

My hangover caught up with me, and I felt vomit climb up my throat. I coughed, swallowing deeply. "Lola?" I heard Finn get up and walk over. "How long have you been there?"

"Only just got out here." I lied. We sat down on the sofa, opposite Ross. Ross grinned at me.

"You were drunk last night." He smirked.

"Was I?" I rolled my eyes. "Damn. Didn't know that one. Thanks, idiot."

Ross laughed. "Sarcastic bitch."

"Hey, you two. Chill." Finn chuckled. He turned to me. "You want an aspirin?"

"Nah. I can handle a hangover. I'm not a pussy like you." I tried to hold back a smile.

"You're so fucking grumpy." Finn chewed on his lip ring and muttered. "You may be drop dead gorgeous, but sometimes I wish you'd just drop dead, gorgeous."

There was a moment of silence. My cheeks flushed a hot red colour and Finn flipped his hair awkwardly.

Ross raised his eyebrows. "Get a room." He joked.

Finn glared at him.

"Do you think Lia will be awake yet?" Ross asked.

"Lia?" I frowned. "Why do you care about..? Oh my God, Ross. Really?"

"What?" He blushed.

"You haven't got over your stupid little crush have you? She's four years older than you, dude!" I groaned.

"She's just a little bit older. I want to get to know her." He shrugged. "I think that she wants to get with me, but she's got a job in the city."

"If she wants to get with you, why does she never meet up with you?" Finn raised his eyebrows.

"Says that she's always too busy." Ross stood up and picked up his backpack from the floor. "I'm going out. The guys want to play football in the park."

We said our goodbyes and he left, leaving Finn and I alone. "Drop dead gorgeous?" I questioned him.

"It was a joke." Finn ran his hand through his hair.

"No one laughed." I smirked at him and stood up, walking into my bedroom. I stopped in the doorway. "Stop staring at my ass."

Before he could say anything, I disappeared into my room and sat at my desk. Carefully, I pulled down my sleeves and stared at the thin red lines that congregated on my wrist.

I ran my thumb down the cuts, feeling that feeling in the pit of my stomach. I wanted to cut.

Well, I didn't want to. I just felt like I had to.

Instead of cutting, I picked out a sharpie and started drawing intricate lines all over my arms. I wasn't particularly drawing anything.

I was just trying to forget the pain I so desperately wanted. After a few minutes, I sighed, leaning against the back of my chair.

The door across the hallway opened and I turned to see Finn there. He was soaking wet, his hair messily covering his eyes.

He had a towel wrapped around his waist and his toned stomach was covered in tiny water droplets.

"I..." I gulped and shook my head slightly. "I didn't hear you get in the shower."

"Yeah, been in there a few minutes."

We let silence take over for a few seconds, and I looked at the floor. I kept my eyes firmly on the ground, not letting them drag up to meet him.

"Why are you doing that face?" Finn chucked. "You've seen me shirtless before."

"I know, I just didn't expect to see a half-naked idiot in my doorway." I shrugged.

"Well," Finn turned round and walked into his bedroom. "You better get used to it."

The door thudded shut, and I heard the sound of a towel hitting the floor. I shook my head and called to him. "You're an idiot!"

"I know I am!" He laughed.

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