Twenty Eight.

197 17 15

A/N: Guess who's got wifi????

I sat on my mattress on the floor, staring at Ross who had passed out on his bed opposite. His breathing was slow and deep and with every breath I felt more at ease that he was going to be fine. At least he wasn't being an idiot anymore.

In the moment of silence I now had, I could hear Mark and Finn talking outside. "So, you two are dating?" Mark asked. "I don't believe that for a second."

"Well, we're not official or anything. But we kissed today." Finn said, then mumbling something else that I couldn't hear.

Mark laughed. "So she's still fair game?"

I heard another mumble, and then footsteps made their way towards the van. Holding my breath, I willed it to be Finn. The doors slid open to reveal Mark.

Letting my breath out, I gestured to the sleeping Ross and put my finger to my lips. Mark nodded. "Come outside." He mouthed.

I took one last look at Ross and stood up to follow Mark, who grinned at me and held my hand. Gulping some air, I hopped out of the van and shut the doors as quietly as I could.

"Hey." Mark winked. "I've missed you."

"Yeah." I shrugged. "You too."

I jogged down to the campfire and sat next to Finn. "Hey, Idiot." I smiled. "Ross is okay."

"Good to hear." Finn smiled back. We both looked at Mark, who was half glaring at us.

"So, baby. I need to hear it from you. Are you free and single?" Mark asked.

Before I could say anything, Finn spoke up. "You tell him that you're kind of seeing me, Lola! This creep won't believe me!"

"Creep?" Mark approached Finn, looking quite confrontational. "You want to say that again, you fucking twig?"

Finn stood up and the two suddenly squared up to each other. "You're fucking dead..." Finn's whisper was hoarse and angry.

"Guys!" I warned. "Ross is drunk out of his mind and has been sick everywhere and you two are arguing about nothing. Finn, your little brother needs you but you're too busy fucking around. And Mark, you did this. Show some respect. You're morons, both of you."

Suddenly very angry, I stood up and walked past Lia's tent (where she was currently sleeping) and hopped into the van. I slammed the doors behind me and collapsed on my bed.

Quickly, I checked to see if Ross had woken up due to my outburst. He lay there snoring softly to himself. Nope. Definitely not awake.

My anger faltered for a moment. Imagine, I thought, if the world ended and meteors hit the Earth and everything that could be loud and disruptive happened right now. Ross still wouldn't wake up.

Feeling tired, I snuggled down into the cold sheets and rolled onto my side. The sound of Ross snoring kept me half awake, but I lay there dozing for a while until I heard the doors slide open and felt the mattress dip.

I opened my eyes to see Finn laying next to me. "Hello Scribble. I'm sorry for being a dickhead. Goodnight." He whispered. I gave him a tired smile and shut my eyes again.

His arms hugged me into him and let me share his warmth. "I can't believe that Mark and Lia are here." Finn sighed. "What are we going to do?"

I made a noise that didn't sound very bothered.

Finn chuckled. "Are you too tired for me right now?"

I made another noise.

"Go to sleep, Scribble." He kissed me on the back of the head.

"I was planning on it." I yawned.

"Well then." He said.

"Well." I shut my eyes.

"Why do you always need the last word?" He asked.

"I don't know." I replied.

"Okay." He said. "I'll be quiet then."

"Good." I settled, listening to him chuckle at me and snuggle down. As I normally did, I tried to stay awake until his breathing became heavy but I couldn't quite make it.

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