Thirty Four.

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A/N: sorry I've been kind of absent. I haven't been as happy as I used to be: I'm having a few issues again. I'm having a fresh start so perhaps things will get better. I love you guys. Stay smiling.

*Ross's POV*

We had stayed up that whole night talking. Even after Finn and Lola were long asleep, we were whispering and giggling. Cara was wearing an oversized red shirt that Lola usually wore to bed, and her small frame made her look like she was drowning in material. Her freckled face had so much expression: you knew exactly what she was thinking with every raised eyebrow, every smile and every twinkle of her eye.

I don't think I had ever felt so close with someone before after such a short amount of time. It was a nice feeling, something that felt new and confusing. Maybe we were destined to be best friends? Yeah, that's what it was.

"Ross!" She hissed at me. "Listen!"

"Sorry." I laughed. "I was thinking."

Cara leaned forward on the bed and lay on her stomach, her head in her hands, looking down at me as I sat on Finn's air mattress on the floor. "What are you thinking about?" She smiled. "Something interesting, I bet."

Knowing full well I was thinking about her,I smiled. "Yeah, quite interesting."

"Tell me, then. I like interesting things." Cara insisted.

I shook my head. "Nah. It's fine... What are you thinking about?"

"I'm thinking about my sister." She became serious. "I'm slightly worried." Something inside me hated the thought that Cara might be worried about something, so I immediately asked her what was wrong. "She has a boyfriend that doesn't like me, he's a weirdo. He used to hurt me when I knew him. I wonder if they have broken up like my sister said they would."

"I'm sure they have." I promised, moving to sit next to her on the bed. "Even if he's still there, you can always come back and have a sleepover here with me."

"You promise that you'll always be here?"

"Of course!" I said. "Where else would I be?"

"I don't know, you'll be sixteen soon won't you? That's quite old, you might find something better to do than wait around for someone like me." She suggested. "Or is that stupid?"

"That's a bit stupid." I laughed.

"You weren't supposed to agree!" Cara gasped and jokingly hit me on the head.

"I know," I smirked. "I just did it anyway."

Cara yawned, signalling to me that I needed to go and lie in my bed, leaving her to snuggle down in hers. I stepped down onto my bed and crawled under the blankets. A soft yawn sounded from the other side of the room and I smiled at the thought of Cara falling asleep. "Are you tired?" I whispered.

"Yeah, a bit. I'm going to go to sleep." She mumbled.

"Me too." I said under my breath. "Goodnight."

"Goodnight, sleep tight, don't let the bed bugs bite." Cara yawned again.

"That's cute." I giggled, but she couldn't hear me. She was already falling asleep.

God knows what time it was, but I finally started going to sleep. I was worried about Cara going to her sister's, but I knew that I couldn't do much to help that. It was just important to me that I kept the girl with the red hair happy, and I hoped that I could. 

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