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A constant beep regulated its way through my ear drums.

Life faded into existence and I tried to roll over, but I couldn't. I heard a voice and groaned slightly. The voice was either that of Finn or Ross, so I swore under my breath. "I'm trying to sleep, fuck off."

There was a laugh and a distant "Good morning."

I opened my eyes to see a very white ceiling. As I looked around, I saw a very white room with very white furniture. Everything was pale and cold-looking, and I was definitely not in my room.

My eyes rested on Ross, who looked cheery, like nothing had happened. What did happen?

"Ross?" I realised my voice was croaky, so I lay my groggy head back down on the blanket and shut my eyes.

"Hi. You feeling alright?" he asked.

"I don't know." I mumbled.

"Lola!" I heard the sound of footsteps, and then a prescence by my side. Finn's heavy breathing warmed my cheek. "Go get the doctor." he breathed to Ross.

Within a few seconds, we were alone. "Scribble... I didn't know you cut yourself." Finn said gently, playing with my hair. "Why didn't you tell me?"

I opened my eyes. "You never asked."

"It's not something you just ask someone."

"And it's not something you just tell someone." I told him.

A doctor and Ross appeared, the doctor having a smile that was slightly too friendly. "Hello, Lily!" the doctor said.

"Lola." I muttered.

"Do you know what happened?" He asked. I shrugged. "You self harm. And you caught a major vein, losing a lot of blood."

"Really? Wow. I really cut myself?" I gasped sarcastically and turned to Ross and Finn. "This guy really knows his stuff."

The boys tried not to laugh.

The doctor ignored me and kept talking. "One of your cuts opened and you lost a lot of blood, causing you to faint. We put you under a sedative and stitched you up overnight. As it was so late we kept you here."

"Oh." I said nonchalantly. "Okay."

"So, we're going to check you up. Can you lift your head up? Maybe you can sit?" he kneeled on the floor next to my bed, making Finn move.

I sat up and frowned at him. My body felt weak, and I knew I wasn't fine, but I wanted to go home. Defiantly, I stared at him."I'm fine."

He spent about five minutes checking my pulse and poking me with various strange medical implements. The whole time I gave him a blank stare.

After a moment, he stood back and nodded. "Your vitals are okay and your blood level is now stable. Do you feel okay?"

"Like I said," I rolled my eyes. "I'm fine."

Finn gave me a worried look. He knew I liked to act a little sarcastic from time to time, but when I went full bitch he could tell something was wrong. I shrugged at him.

The doctor nodded. "We're going to need to give you a couple pills to get your blood production back to normal and get your strength up, but then you can go. They do have a few side effects, but you have your friends to look after you."

"Cool." I sounded disinterested. I was putting a brave face on and being horrible, simply because I was terrified of what had happened. I always seemed to do that.

After I'd taken the medication and we'd signed out, Ross started to walk me back to the car.

Finn lagged behind with the doctor at the front desk for a second. "Why is she so moody?" The doctor muttered as he placed his clipboard on the desk.

Finn bit his lip ring. "I guess she's tired of getting fucked over."

I pretended not to hear and walked out of the sliding glass door. Ross frowned. "Seriously, are you alright?"

"Yeah." I focused on walking my wobbly legs out to the car.

"I don't fucking get you." Ross laughed a little and shook his head. After a pause, he looked intensely at me. "But Finn gets you. He can read your face like a book. A very long book, filled with twisted nightmares and cold-hearted jokes."

There was another moment of silence.

"He talks about you at night when he thinks I'm half-asleep, but I always hear every word." He said.

"What does he say?" I asked, hearing the silence.

Ross shook off his unusually deep conversation topic. "Just stuff."

I gulped a little nervously.

When we reached the car and we sat for a few seconds, until Finn burst in. "Sorry!" He started the engine.

My eyelids were heavy and I leaned against the window. The world looked a little blurry. Sighing, I closed my eyes and pretended I was somewhere else.

"There are those side effects." Finn chuckled. "Sleep well, Scribble."

And we drove home.

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