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Sorry for late updates again ❤️ not been at home a lot recently ❤️ I love you thank you for sticking by me when no one else does ❤️❤️

*Ross's POV*

"As long as you're safe with me, everything's okay." I sat there in my t-shirt, shivering as she wore my coat. "I promise everything will be fine now."

"I'm just glad you came to rescue me." Cara leant against me, putting her head on my shoulder. Her soft hair pressed against my cheek and I smiled dumbly. "I think we should go back to your house. Your brother will be worried." She said.

"No. I've told you this," I fretted. "If we go back, you'll get sent home to your sister and her awful boyfriend. I don't want you to be in that position again. It's not safe."

"He's horrible." She tensed, thinking about it. "After he tried to hit me, I phoned you. That's when I decided I needed someone to talk to."

"I bet you didn't expect me to climb through your window." I laughed.

"Not in a million years!" Cara chuckled and closed her eyes. "But I'm happy that you did."

We had been sleeping in doorways and, although cold, it hadn't been that bad. Cara made me happy, so as long as I was with her nothing could feel wrong. I had pushed Finn and Lola to the back of my mind. They probably didn't care that much anyway. They were probably too busy being in love to take any notice of me.

I felt Cara yawn on my shoulder and I reached my arm out to put it around her. She buried her face into my chest. "I'm sleepy."

"I can tell."

Her head removed itself from my shoulder and she looked up at me. I cupped my hands around her cheeks and smiled at her. She shut her eyes, and I pulled in to kiss her. We kissed for a moment, until I pulled back.

My chest melted.

Cara giggled. "Why are you pulling that face?"

"I don't know." I jokingly slapped myself and pulled her in for a hug. "You're the best."

"You're the best." She said, her voice muffled by my chest. "Thank you for all of this."

"I don't mind. As long as you're safe with me." I said, leaning into her. "I'd like a shower, though. It's freezing out here."

"I think you need a shower." She giggled at me. "You stink."

"Do I?" I panicked.

"No, I'm joking." She laughed. "Well, maybe a bit."

I rolled my eyes at her and thought about Finn and Lola. Would they do anything about my absence? They probably wouldn't, they'd just clean up my bedroom and keep it as a spare room. My brother didn't really care enough to come looking for me like he did when Lola went missing for a couple days.

I was just a spare part as far as they were concerned.

Under my arm, I felt Cara stiffen. "What's wrong?" I looked down at her and she had gone deathly white. "Cara, are you okay?"

She stood up and ran, sprinting down a side street behind us. I looked up to see a tall shadowy figure at the end of the street. Whoever he was, Cara recognised him and was afraid of him. I wasn't going to stick around to find out what was so bad about him.

Turning and running after her, I felt it start to rain heavily.

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