Forty Five.

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The three faces in front of me were lit up with a warm orange glow. We all sang gently to the boy in the middle, who seemed taller than he used to be. His girlfriend sat next to him, singing the loudest, her face in a wide grin. The song came to a stop and with a deep breath, Ross blew out all the candles. We all cheered and Finn stood up to turn on the lights. "Sixteen! That's mental, bro. You're old."

Ross smiled proudly and looked at his cake. His eyes were hungry and he licked his lips. "I wouldn't be too excited to eat that." I warned. "Your brother and I aren't known for our baking skills."

"It's the thought that counts, and I think it's sweet that you'd take all afternoon to make Ross his birthday cake." Cara put her arm round Ross. "Besides, it smells amazing."

"Hopefully it tastes amazing too." I picked off the candles and handed Ross the knife. "Cut properly, I'm not taking you the hospital with laceration wounds on your birthday."

He took a deep breath and sliced down, cutting a dainty-sized slice and presenting it to Cara. "It's your birthday!" She giggled. "You're supposed to have the first slice."

"But I want you to have it." He insisted. Cara and I exchanged a look that if voiced would say 'aww!' She took the cake and smiled at him. "Now it's my slice." He said as he cut nearly a quarter of the cake into one slice.

"Jesus, kid!" I laughed.

Finn sat down at the kitchen table with us again. "You must be hungry."

"How big do you want your slice?" Ross asked Finn.

"Hey hey hey." Finn shook his head and gestured to me. "Ladies first."

"Go on then." I winked at him.

He pretended to gasp at my comment and rolled his eyes. "You're a piece of work." With a shrug, he placed his portion in front of him. Once we all had our fair share, we started eating quietly. After finishing a huge mouthful, Ross looked up and nodded.

"So. Sixteen is quite old, right? I'm becoming a young adult?"

"Yeah, I guess." Finn encouraged.

"Old enough to get my lip pierced like you?" Ross asked.

"No way!" Finn shook his head. "Not while you're living with me!"

"But you got yours done at my age!" Ross protested.

"I was also drinking and sleeping with girls. Not the best role model if you ask me." Finn raised an eyebrow.

My mouth turned up into a smile and I gave Ross a knowing look. "I'll take you to get it done tomorrow."

"Really?" Ross beamed. "I can get a lip ring? You're the best person in the whole world!"

Cara giggled. "Can I come watch him get it done?"

"Of course! Let's make it a family affair!" I smiled.

Finn laughed in disbelief. "Sorry to bother you, but is my opinion-"

"Overruled?" I smirked. "Yeah, babe. Yeah it is."

"Fine. You win." He rolled his eyes.

Ross spoke excitedly while we all finished our cake, half listening to him and half exchanging amused glances. It tasted okay, nothing overwhelming, but Ross and Cara seemed thrilled with it. Finn held my hand under the table, and I caught his eye. He winked at me. I rolled my eyes jokingly at him. There was silence where I would usually hear a 'get a room!' from Ross, so I looked up. Instead of the scowl I would usually get, I saw Ross and Cara staring into each other's eyes just as Finn and I were. Finn noticed too and he smiled at me. I was almost tempted to tell Ross to get a room, but something inside me shook it off and told me to leave them be.

After the conversation wandered for a while, Cara and Ross disappeared into his room to play his PS4. Finn smiled at me over the table and leaned in to kiss me on the cheek. "I love you so much, Scribble."

"I love you too." I blushed. "Idiot."

A/N: It's the end! This is the longest book (word count) I've written and I honestly love the characters and my heart is breaking that it's over... That's why you'll see them in the next book! The next book is going to be mad! Not only does it involve the characters from this book, but also characters from Dark Silences and the Emo series!!!!!! I'M SO EXCITED!!!! I can announce that the main character will be Bella (Kai's younger sister) and it will be exciting and good and ahhh I'm happy.

As always thank you for reading. Your support keeps me going when I'm going through rough times. I love you, I really mean that. Writing is my life and you make it so much better. Also if you're one of the readers that don't vote or comment, do it here on the last chapter! Most of you are just a number, and that's sad because you all deserve recognition. Watch out for the new  book that I'll be releasing very soon! I hope you're as excited as I am! See you soon, as always,



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