Thirty Five.

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Check out the latest chapter of Random Thoughts With Rebecca At Night for my reasons for being absent. I love you.

*Lola's POV*

We dropped her off that morning.

The house was on the bad side of town, and looked abandoned and dusty. Ross offered to walk her to the door but she refused, seemingly embarrassed about what might be on the other side. She thanked us and hopped out of the car, skipping up to the large front door.

After three loud knocks, the foot opened to reveal a young girl, just older than me, wearing a pair of very suggestive silk pyjamas. Her skin was tinted orange with fake tan and her face was caked in half-finished makeup. Cara hugged the girl, who looked awkward in the embrace.

The girl said something, and Cara turned to look at us for a moment. The girl whispered harshly and pushed Cara into the house, hardly leaving enough time for Cara to give us a little smile. The door slammed.

Ross gulped in the backseat. "I don't like that house."

"I don't like that girl." I turned to look at him and shook my head. "We're not coming back here again."

"But what about Cara?" Ross said, worriedly. "We can't just never see her again!"

"Well, we did our good deed." I looked at Finn. "Didn't we?"

Finn sighed. "All I know is that we should get back and enjoy being home again, just the three of us. Like old times."

"Things are very different now." Ross piped up. "I'm a third wheel all the time."

"That's not true!" I exclaimed. "Your brother and I are not dating."

"Just fucking?" Ross raised an eyebrow.

Just as I was about to shout at him, Finn interrupted me. "Yeah. For now." I looked at both of them disapprovingly. They giggled at each other and Finn started the engine. "Come on, cheer up." Finn chuckled to me. I rolled my eyes as we started making our way home.

When we finally got back, I collapsed on the couch for old time's sake. Finn laughed and jumped next to me. "Make room!"

"Fuck off, idiot!" I jokingly smacked him on the knee. "I wanted to lie down."

"What do you want to watch on TV?" Finn asked. I made an 'I don't mind' noise and Finn started channel surfing. It took us a few minutes to realise that Ross wasn't sitting with us.

We looked up to see him sitting at the kitchen table with his head in his hands. He looked distant, his eyes staring. "What's up, bro?" Finn stood up and put his arm around Ross's shoulders.

"I miss her. And I'm worried." Ross sighed.

"You don't even know her." I rolled my eyes, sick of the lovey-dicey crap. "Chill out."

Finn gave me a 'stop being mean' look and I folded my arms. "She's just nice." Ross shook his head. "You're right. I'll get a grip."

"We'll see her again." Finn said obviously feeling bad for his brother. "I have her mobile number, she gave it to me last night so that she could call in emergencies."

Ross's eyes lit up. "Can I call her now then?"

I groaned and turned my attention the TV. That kid always loved someone.

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