Twenty Five.

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A/N: I'm not dead, I just had a break to finish my exams. Guess what? My exams are over and school's out! So updates will be back to how they were before. Hooray!

"Stop being a little bitch." I groaned, looking back at Finn.

He was trailing behind, clutching his head and looking very hungover. His pale skin was almost translucent and his eyes were puffy and dark. Finn had woken up really late, but Ross and I had finally managed to drag him out of bed and get him on a hike.

It was raining, and there was a constant tip tap of rain on the green canopy above. Ross and I wore sensible waterproof coats while Finn wore his tracksuit bottoms and a Twenty One Pilots hoodie.

"What's the point of going on a fucking hike?" Finn dragged his feet.

"It's nice to get out for once. Stop being like a little kid..." Ross warned him.

"My head hurts." He looked at Ross.

"You shouldn't have got drunk then." Ross raised an eyebrow.

"Lola got drunk too!" Finn exclaimed.

"Both of you literally please just shut the fuck up." I rolled my eyes and walked ahead slightly, peering down the path. "The sign said the waterfall should be around here somewhere."

Ross reached my side and peered around the corner. The path continued as if it were a complete mirror image of where we had been before. "I'm sure we'll find it at some point." I cocked my head.

The sound of our heavy footsteps trudged through the air as we walked in silence for a while. We all had our own thoughts in our head for a while, until Ross spoke up. "You know you threw a condom at me yesterday..."

"Yeah?" Finn chuckled.

"Where did you get the condoms from?" Ross asked.

Finn stuttered. "The store, obviously..."

"Why did you get them?" Ross raised an eyebrow. "Were you two going to have-"

"No!" I groaned. "Definitely not."

Finn bit his lip and looked my body up and down. "If you say so, Scribble."

From quite a long way away, we could hear the trickle of water. We all stopped and looked at each other. "I think we just found the waterfall." Ross smiled and ran down the path towards the sound.

I was about to follow him when a voice spoke up. "Were you serious about the sex thing?" Finn asked, looking at the muddy ground.

"What sex thing?" I almost brushed off what he was saying.

"You said you weren't going to have sex with me." Finn looked at me deeply and bit his lip ring.

"Well." I shrugged. "I wasn't."

Finn walked over to me, and we swayed slightly so that we could be closer to
one another. I gulped and pretended to think about something else. He did the same. His breath warmed my rain-covered cheek, and I shivered slightly.

Finn pulled back and looked at me. "Fuck this."


"This is getting kind of old now. I think it's time to pack it in." He said.

"What do you mean?" I asked.

"I'm sick of us chasing each other. You would think this is some kind of novel or something. It's ridiculous." Finn sighed.

My heart sunk. "So, you don't want to be a thing anymore?"

"It's not that. It's that I want us to be a thing right now. Not in the future. Now." Finn put his hands around my waist.

He looked at me for guidance. I shook my head, then nodded and then shrugged. "Ross!" I hissed and gestured behind us. Finn shook his head. We stared at each other.

"You want me to fuck off?" Finn whispered.

"No," I faltered. "I think I like it."

At that, Finn's lips collided with mine and we walked backwards into a tree, our lips never once leaving each other's company. We kissed messily, breathing heavily. In our clumsy makeout, Finn went to grab my ass but we toppled backwards and fell in the mud.

I gasped and looked at Finn who was laying on top of me. His eyes twinkled. Mine twinkled back. We started kissing again, rolling around in the mud and leaves on the ground. We knew that we were getting covered in dirt, but we just laughed into the kiss.

I broke the kiss and picked up a leaf, throwing it at Finn. "You really want to go there?" He chuckled.

Just as he was about to pick up a muddy leaf to throw at me, I stood up to run away. I screamed and laughed, trying my best to jog away. He caught up quickly, picking me up and swinging me over his shoulder in a fireman's hold.

"Finn!" I squealed. "Put me down!"

Ross walked around the corner. "Guys, the waterfall is literally right there. Hurry-" He stopped. "Oh my God."

Finn put me down on my feet, quickly. I smiled and tried to look normal, but as I raised a hand to run through my hair I felt the mud clinging to my hair. My eyes widened and I snapped my arms down by my sides. Next to me, Finn tried to hold in a laugh.

"What the fuck did you two do?" Ross asked.

As I was thinking of a lie, Finn smiled. "We just made out."

I turned to him and threw my hands up in a gesture of surprise.

"So." Finn started walking towards where Ross had come from as if nothing happened. "Where's that waterfall?"

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