Forty Four.

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"Hi." Cara sniffed as she walked through the door. Ross ran up to meet her, giving her a hug.

"You're so brave." He told her. "So brave."

"I wouldn't be brave without you." She mumbled into his shoulder.

Ruining the moment, Finn collapsed through the door and slammed it shut. "It's raining like absolute Hell out there." 

Cara turned to him and laughed. "It's not that bad."

"He's known for being a drama queen." I rolled my eyes. "You'll learn that."

I frowned at Alfie, who hadn't said a word yet. He was staring blankly at the floor. Did he expect us to give Cara the news?

Cara and Finn sat on the sofa, getting comfy. I decided to break the silence. "So how did it go? The report, I mean."

"It was okay. The police are going to lead an investigation on him for domestic abuse, especially investigating whether he does it to my sister too." Cara nodded.

"I'm glad it went well for you." I smiled.  "It shows you that it's worth reporting things that go wrong."

"Definitely." She looked at Ross, who was smiling at her like an idiot. "What?"

"Nothing." He shook his head quickly.

There was another moment of quiet, and I stared at Alfie, desperately hinting at him to give her the news. His eyes looked sad, so I pitied him and took a deep breath. "Cara? You know you didn't really want to go back with your brother?"

She nodded guiltily.

"He's suggested that you live here with us for a while. He can go and pick up your belongings from your sister's house. Would you like that?" I asked.

She giggled and blushed, jumping up to hug her brother. "I would love it! Oh, thank you Alfie!"

"As long as you're happy. In the mean time, I'm going to sort my life and then come and see if we can live together again." He nodded.

She pulled back and smiled at him, then turning to Ross and grinning. He opened his arms, and she walked over and sat on his lap. Ross had never looked so damn happy. It was good to finally see the kid smile.

"I should probably get going." Alfie stood up and gave his sister a hug. "I can sort everything out. I'll see you soon."

"See you soon." She promised.

"Text me, yeah?" He tried to smile. Cara nodded, and he turned to Finn and I. "Thank you so much."

"Don't worry about it." Finn said. "Please. It's our pleasure."

Alfie exchanged his goodbyes again and again, before leaving the door to slam behind him. Cara jumped up and down as soon as the door shut. Ross joined her, and without a second word they ran into Ross's bedroom.

"Weirdos." I rolled my eyes.

"They're not as weird as you." Finn pushed me over on the couch and sat on top of me. "You're the weirdest person I know."

"Says the person using me as a chair when there's a perfectly good sofa right here." I laughed.

"Point made." Finn sat next to me. "Hey, what do you want to watch on TV?"

"We don't have time for TV. We have a bed to find for Cara. She is not sleeping in with Ross." I rolled my eyes.

"Why not?" He asked.

"They're too young!" I gasped. "You didn't do that sort of thing at sixteen did you?"

"Well..." he started.

"No. Stop yourself right there." I gave him a fierce look. "I don't even want to know."

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