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The car engine bumbled forward messily over the mountain path. We had been driving for hours and finally made it up into the hills, looking out over the beautiful orange, rocky view. Ross was dead asleep in the back seat, his head flopped limply against the window.

I was drifting in and out of sleep myself, the gloom from the last few months lifting slightly. Although I was still hurting, the prospect of traveling with my best friends was really exciting. As we drove over a particularly high bump, I opened my eyes to see the bright sunlight floating through the window.

Finn was smirking to himself. "You're literally the cutest thing ever."

"Huh?" I wiped my eyes.

"I actually love it when you're sleeping." He bit his lip. "You just look fucking adorable."

I felt hot, suddenly feeling the need to take a deep breath. Finn chuckled and pulled the car into a car park, looking out over the whole range of hills. We were so lucky to live somewhere with such beautiful scenery. Warmth toasted my face and I shut my eyes, smiling deeply. There were no other cars or people around us. We were totally secluded.

Finn opened the door and stepped out into the sun, sliding sunglasses over his eyes. "Come on, Let's go for a little walk and scope out the area."

"What about Ross?" I asked.

Finn shrugged. "No one's here. What do you think is going to happen? He's completely asleep."

I nodded. "You're right. There's no way he'll wake up unless we physically throw him down the damn mountain."

Finn smirked at me. "You're funny."

We walked for a few minutes, reaching a huge cliff with some perfect rocks nearby to sit on.  Sitting down, the sun radiated down onto us. I was never one to understand the beauty of the world around me, but my eyes noticed for once how blue the sky was.

I smiled and lay back against the rock, the jagged edges leaning slightly into my back. My hair fell loosely around my shoulders, feeling like a comforting blanket. My breaths made my body feel relaxed.

Finn could tell how calm I was. He took a deep breath and joined me in my tranquility. "Why didn't you just tell me that you wanted to escape? You know, do your bucket list."

"Well." I thought about it. "I guess I just thought it'd be selfish if I disrupted your life to go and do stupid things."

"If you would have just told me that you wanted to do something fun then I'd have done it with you. It's better for you to do things with people you trust, not people who work in train stations." He looked thoughtful.

"But what would you have said if I asked you?" I wondered.

"I would have said 'Adventure calls, my pretty little scribble.' Because what you want to do is always a good idea." He grinned at me.

"Stop being soppy." I giggled."It's cheesy."

Finn closed his eyes. "Fuck off. I'm being a good friend."

"Sounds like it." I pouted slightly. "Idiot."

There was a moment of silence, and Finn gasped. "Shit! Shit shit shit! No way... I'm so stupid..."

"Oh God... What have you done?" I asked him, warily.

"I forgot to bring our food for tonight! How are we going to have dinner? I mean, tomorrow morning we'll drive to a shop and buy some supplies, but what the fuck are we going to do tonight?" Finn put his head in his hands.

"You really are a fuck up sometimes." I raised an eyebrow and stood up, sitting next to him on the rock and chuckling.

He thought for a moment and then looked up, brightly. "Ah! I've got a brilliant idea!"

"What is it?" I asked.

My best friend took out his phone and started dialling. "Hey, I've got signal. Awesome."

"What are you doing?" I tried to see his screen.

"You'll see. It's pretty awesome." He assured me. "If you ask me, that is."

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