Twenty Two.

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That morning, Finn was driving downtown to swap our car and some money for a van that we could use to travel properly. When we had woken up, we hadn't kissed again or anything like that. It was awkward.

We didn't know how to feel, and so we just didn't feel anything. Finn had changed his clothes in the car and come back to say goodbye to me. "See you later, alligator." I had said.

"In a while, crocodile." Finn had laughed and then left without another word. It was like we had never done anything last night. We were 'just friends' again.

He must have spoken to Ross before he left, as when I ventured out for breakfast Ross was sitting on the floor grinning at me. "Well. You two had a little too much fun last night."

"The fuck do you mean?" I frowned at him and sat down. My plan of action was to completely deny what had happened.

"Shut up." Ross raised an eyebrow at me. "I saw the hickey."

I rolled my eyes and the plan went out the window.

"Did you two have sex?" He asked.

"No!" I shook my head. "No way! We just kissed. Nothing else!"

"Are you sure? He didn't even start to-"

"No!" I looked at him. "No, no, no. No."

"Damn. I thought he would be right in there." Ross chuckled at me and passed me a piece of leftover pizza for my breakfast.

"Don't be a pervert." I warned him. "Gets you into all kinds of trouble."

"So I hear." He shrugged. "Hey, can I ask you something?"

"Fire away." I focused on my pizza.

"Did you want to do anything more with him? Like, did you want to fuck him?" He asked.

"Why are you so interested?" I rolled my eyes. "We're just friends."

Ross looked at me. "I know that's not true. I know that you two want to date."

I didn't say anything.

"Don't deny it. I know what love is, I'm in love with Lia." He smiled.

"What? You're not in love, Ross. It's a crush." I raised my eyebrow, glad of the conversation change.

"Lia kissed me the other day. We're basically dating." Ross boasted.

"What? Explain everything!" I demanded.

"I went to a house party the other day. Finn let me go. I got pretty drunk, and I don't remember much, but I know that Lia kissed me. All of the girls your age were there. I was hanging out with them."

"What? Did Finn know who was there?" I asked.

"No. I told him that I was going to a friend's birthday." Ross looked at me. "Don't tell him."

"You got drunk? And Lia kissed you?" I fumed. How could Lia kiss a vulnerable, stupid little kid like Ross? I thought she was my friend, and had at least some sense.

"It's kinda cool isn't it?" He smirked.

"No!" I gasped.

A van sped up the path and stopped with a screech. Finn climbed out and put his arms out. "This, my friends, is our new ride."

"Cool!" Ross grinned.

"Have you fucking heard what Ross did the other day?" I stood up.

Ross went red. "Lola-"

"He let Lia kiss him!" I groaned. "Lia is such an irresponsible bitch."

"I'm going to kill her..." Finn rolled his eyes.

"I'm sorry." Ross looked at the floor.

"We're not annoyed at you, Ross." I told him. "We just think Lia's leading you on."

"You're not annoyed at me for underage drinking?" Ross frowned.

"Nah," Finn shook his head. "I just wish I could have seen you drunk. But I'm glad we've got that untruth out of the way."

"So let's move on to you." Ross smirked. "What's with the hickey?"

Finn looked at me and bit his lip. "He already knows." I told him. "Don't give him the satisfaction."

"I'm just glad you didn't fuck." Ross shrugged. "No one wants to hear that."

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