Hell while in heaven.

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"Kendall Jenner, you just love to torture me don't you?" Whispered y/n to himself, as he played with his food, waiting for her to come home late at night. She left him, to go out with her friends to a club to party and drink.

I was a rather simple man, I cared a lot for his friends and family. I especially cared more for my girlfriend, Kendall Nicole Jenner, the supermodel. Yes, a simple man managed to snag the beautiful lady. Dreams come true. Well, after the dream comes in reality.

It happened quite quickly actually, one minute we bumped into each other and I offer her to a coffee to replace the one she spilled. Another minute we were on a date, looking into each other's eyes, smiling as wide as they can. Now, with a year in our relationship. Things started to get rough. 


"Hey babe." Greeted Kendall walking into the room with a frown on her face.

"What's wrong Ken? Did something happen?" Asked y/n in a concerned matter.

"Nothing. Listen I got to go, I have things to do, people to see, place to be at, you know what I mean y/n." Stated Kendall.

"No, I don't know what you mean." Said y/n.

"Babe, things are about to get rough, more and more photo shoots and events are happening and they are all asking for me." Explained Kendall.

"I don't see what is wrong with that." Told y/n.

"What's wrong is that I'll be spending less time with you. Honey I know you are horrible when you feel alone. So go out when I am gone and meet with your friends, have fun out there, alright?" Said Kendall, sitting down right next to y/n placing her hands on his lap, making eye contact with him.

"Where is this heading?" Asked y/n. As he also looked at Kendall, but with concern in his eyes.

"It's about to go into a highway to hell and back. You ready? Or do you want to relax a bit let's have some fun?" Said Kendall as music started and she grabbed his hand and started to dance.

flashback end

I never really understood what she meant by what she said that day. Although now. Now I understood what she meant. She has been going out a lot more often, we barely even see each other anymore. I got work being a book store owner, while she was travelling around the world, seeing sights, having fun, and modeling for the most well-known magazines and brands in the world. 

Although when we do see each other, she barely says a word to me. Absolutely nothing, I also understood what she meant by "You are horrible when you are alone." I was always in a bad mood, spacing out, or just downright feeling depressed. I tried to think of positive things like my how well my bookstore is going now-a-days. How my sister finally gave birth to the niece I always wanted. Although the negative over weigh the positive things right now. The recent outrage and riots here in America, tensions rising with Russia, the Syrian War, global warming, Gabe the Dog's death. So many things, and now I am overthinking about Kendall.

I always had faith in her, but did I do something wrong? I mean yeah, she got a lot of things to do at work, but after she is done with work, she goes out to party and drink for no apparent reason. I just look out the window of the dining room trying to remember the good ol' days. When were such a happy couple, so cheerful and so close. Now I feel so distant with her, as if she was in Heaven while I down here in Hell.

"When will this road make a U-turn...?" I told myself, as a sipped a bit of wine. 

As I just looked at my glass, wondering what is my position now in her life. The door opened. 

I grabbed my bat, since I know she doesn't come home this early anymore. 

"She couldn't be home now. She doesn't come home at this time anymore." I told myself as I got ready to swing at any intruder that has come in.

As I walked closer and closer, I saw her...and surprisingly Cara, who was carrying her on her arms.

"Cara? What happened?" I asked dropping the bat, grabbing her from Cara who was surprised to see me.

"She drank too much. Y/n, I am sorry to return her in a state like this but she just kept on drinking, yeah I know it's nice to drink from time to time. That was too much though, especially since what she was drinking was vodka." Explained Cara as she followed me to Kendall's room which was also my room formally. I lad her on the bed and place her blankets on her, so she could feel even more comfortable and free, I removed her shoes and jacket from her body.

"Thank you, Cara. For bringing her home." I told Cara while looking at Kendall, wondering where will this go now.

"You're welcome y/n. I know you have been going through a lot, especially with Kendall ignoring you and such now." Said the british model.

"How do did you know that?" I asked clearly shocked by what she just said. She sighed and motioned me to follow her back to the living room.

As she sat down, she explained to me how she knew. "Listen, she is avoiding you, simply because she no longer feeling the spark you guys had." She went straight to the point, surprising you immediately.

"What did I do?" I asked.

"Nothing, you did nothing, it was all on her. She just, couldn't feel it anymore..." Cara just looked at me with pity in her eyes as I looked at the ground, my worse fears come true.

"Thanks, I guess... for everything you did tonight." I told Cara as I stood up and motioned to the door. I guess she understood what I meant and waved goodbye as she headed for the door leaving into the night.

I walked into Kendall's room again, watched her sleep, and I simply started to get ready to say goodbye. I bent down, right at the level of her forehead and kissed it. One last time. I then went to her ear and said my possible last words.

"Even if you couldn't feel the spark anymore. I'll be where you can see me, in hell. Right where you left me. I would gladly suffer for all eternity for you. I want you to be happy, and for that to happen.. I need to leave. You know where to find me. I love you, Kendall Nicole. I will love you for a dozen lifetimes." I whispered into her ear.   

I stood back up straightened my clothing, and moved to my room, and slowly packed my things. I didn't really have much clothes. Like I said, I was a simple bookstore owner, never really worried about going to formal events. If I do have to worry about that though, I always got my tuxedo ready.

It took around a hour to get all my things ready and in the car. I remembered one thing, she went drinking and would need pain killers for the hang over she is gonna suffer in the morning.

I went back inside, one last walk around the house all the way to the kitchen, which was the location of the medicine cabinet. I grabbed the painkillers that I made sure we, I mean she would have a steady stock of. I also grabbed a glass of water and went to her room. I took one last glance at her sleeping face, oh how will I miss that.

As I placed the painkillers and glass of water on her night stand. I bent down and whispered to her ear, "Goodbye, my heavenly angel." I stood back up, and went out.

As I got to the door. I took one last glance around the home, this white heavenly home. Whoever takes this home and the angel who resides here, they better treat her right.

"Time to go back...to what I was before. A simple bookstore owner." I said. As I went out the door and into my car. 

"Now let's see if I could find that U-turn?" 

Author's note: I wonder, will anyone find out the hidden symbols I left behind?

Goodnight friends, sleep well. Unless it's morning than good morning hope you have a happy day.

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