Hickory Hickory

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"Tick tock."

"Where am I?" You said look around to see a masked figure next to another person, sack covering the face, and was restrained to the chair the person is sitting on.

"Hickory dickory dock, your hand is on the clock." The figure said, bringing out a revolver. Pointing the gun straight to your right hand. You were restrained on the chair you were sitting in. Your eyes widened at the thought of getting shot. Sweat dripping down your face as you are too shocked to move a single muscle. You looked at the gun pointed at your hand, dreading the lines the figure will say.

"I greatly fear that a hole will appear. Hickory." Said the masked madman reciting a nursery rhyme while getting ready to shoot.

"Don't! Please! Oh God don't shoot! Don't shoot!" You begged, now crying upon the fact that you'll get shot. Your eyes looked at the other person parallel to you. The person, appearing to be a female, was squirming. Most likely trying to get out of the restrains.

"Dickory." The figure continued, bringing down the gun and moving it to your left hand.

"Please don't do th—" You begged until the madman said the last word before shooting.

"Dock." *BANG*

A wave of pain as your body felt pushed back a bit from the impact. You screamed in the agonising pain, you glared at the man with red eyes as a result of all the crying.

He looked at you, the madman masked, hiding his identity from you. He was enjoying this, sadistic is one thing that he can admit to being.

This continued. On and on, for hours you believe as you don't know what time is it. He kept shooting, from your other hand to your legs, to even your thighs oddly enough were shot while he kept reciting the cursed rhyme.

"Hickory dickory dock, she is on the clock." This time it wasn't on any of your body parts. He reciting the innocent but creepy rhyme as he walked slowly to the covered lady.

Reaching her, he removed the sack of her head.

Your eyes went wide as you gazed upon the person who is in the madman's space.

Kendall Jenner. The girl you loved from a far.

She has been crying as you could clearly see from her blood red eyes, soar beyond anything imaginable. She shaked and squirmed upon the madman touching her breasts. Carassing them, slowly moving up to the neck where he cut her. Not fatally but still quite painful as it was jagged and blunt as he had to place in effort to cut her skin. The man's hand moved to her face as he took his finger into her mouth and opened it wide.

"Hickory dickory dock, her tonghe is in my hand. I greatly fear it'll come with me. Hickory." He madly said, inching the blunt knife to her tongue as he pinched it hard to keep it on his grasps. She looked at his crying, trying to speak but alas, it was just isn't possible.

You loved to speak about many things, may it be verbal or written. Whatever your mind got, you'll bring it out. He took away your hands by shooting them. Now it is up to you what to do.

Thinking hard, you glared at the man and shouted. "Take my voice by taking my tongue! Do not lay another hand on her by setting her free, I will give you myself!" You offered grudgingly, Kendall looked at you with wide eyes, shocked at your proposal and willingness to do this for her.

The man stopped completely and turned to you, bring the knife high above his shoulders.

"I accept." He said, cutting the light bulb by busting it.


Kendall was set free, while you ended up with the madman. It happened so fast for her, from waking up in the woods with only a blanket to cover her, to being reunited with her family that she told everything to. It has been 5 months but she only just now got back to the light of the entire world.

She was going to meet her friends, but she ended up bombarded by paparazzi. Trying to get away, she walked and later ran.

She kept running to her destination until she saw you.

You were a street away from her but your eyes right upon her.

A shock going up her spine, Kendall slowly backed away. She saw you mouth something but she couldn't quite read it. When she stopped and moved a bit closer, she dreaded what you said.

"Hickory dickory dock."

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