The End.

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You never really knew what started it all. These stupid insults just came up out of nowhere, you believed it had something to do with you yourself and nothing else.

Kendall and you had once a nice relationship. Being best friends since 7th grade you guys were very close.

At one point, both of your families thought you guys were really together as a couple due to how close you guys are.

When she first got into the modeling industry, it was tough. With all the competition in the industry, she thought she didn't have the qualities to be a successful model. Being the best friend that you are, you supported her and kept pushing her to strive better.
As time passed she became more well known for her modeling career instead of being part of the Kardashian-Jenner family.

Now being a full fledge celebrity had pros and cons. The cons outnumbered the pros usually for her. Being a model, she had to go to different parts of the world to do photoshoots, go on runways, and pose for the cover of several magazines. Being a celebrity, she was constantly swarmed by dozens of fans and paparazzi. You understood why the paparazzi was hungry for gossip, it's their job. Just getting too close was a problem. Whenever you saw Kendall, you wanted to hug her and tell her it will all be fine.

She may have loved her job dearly, but the stress she constantly has broke her down more than once. Sometimes she came over and cried beside you.

You secretly loved her for quite awhile now, you just. Never really knew how to tell her of your feelings. Who wouldn't fall in love with her? She was caring, empathetic to those she care, she is adventurous and outgoing. She has this way, of attracting people, you don't know what is it nor can you describe what attracted you and so many others later to her.

The insults, they started quite recently. Ever since new year's eve she started to change in your view. She became colder, careless, and well, cold hearted. Whenever you saw her, she looked at you with cold eyes of utter hate, instead of her beautiful brown eyes filled with love and compassion. The smile you would see when she was around you now would always see a cold and disappointed scowl on her face. Both of those and her now careless and ruthless personality on you just started to break you. You've been broken before, with a relationship you had before, but this was different. She was so close to you, and now. It felt like she was going further and further away from you.

So you started to avoid her, to keep you from breaking even further. Although, it's hard to avoid her now that she is all around the media. Gigi, a friend of you and Kendall, would tell you where they would be going so you can avoid Kendall. Gigi, she knew about your situation although she doesn't know why Kendall is doing that.

Right now, you are at Kylie's place, you were invited there by Kylie all of a sudden and considering you haven't saw her for awhile, accepted the invitation.

When you initially got there, you thought it was just you and Kylie, hanging out and having fun.

You were dead wrong.

All of the sisters were there, except for the tall model that you once called best friend and still do.

You considered the Kardashian-Jenner family as a second family. Ever since you got to knew they through Kendall they opened their arms to you and accepted you as her best friend.

They looked at you, with stern faces and you didn't know why. You thought that you would suffer what Kendall has been doing to you, but this time. From all of them. You thought you'll finally be broken beyond fixing, because they are a second family to you. You cared deeply for them, to see them looking at you like that. You were going to have a mental breakdown.

And you did.

You collasped onto your knees and covered your head with your hands and arms. You closed your eyes tight trying to block the tears. You tried to hide your face, you really did, but you knew they could see you crying. You couldn't handle it anymore. You wanted to just go away forever, you just wanted to never be in their view again.

As you started to cry, Kylie got up, and hugged you. You flinched at the hug, you thought they were going to hurt you. As Kylie hugged you, she was followed by Khloe, Kim, and finally Kourtney. They slowly calmed you down enough for you to speak.

"Why did you invite me here?" You said, looking at Kylie who looked down.

"We know what's happening between you and Kendall. We just don't know why she is doing it though." Explained Khloe as she sat you down right next to her. Rubbing your back trying to calm you down.

"We first thought you caused the rift between you two, but now it's obvious Kenny was the one." Said Kourtney look at you with sorry eyes.

"We're sorry for thinking that you did it and causing you to break down." Slowly said Kim as she was looking down in shame. She really thought it was you that was the source of the problem.

Kylie who came from the kitchen handed you a glass of water to drink.
"She is treating you like trash isn't she?"

"I don't know... I don't know what am I to her anymore. Whether I'm a friend or someone to hate with passion... I don't know what I did, believe me I would do everything I could to fix what I did." You explained before drink the water given to you.

"Y/N, you need to fix this, we miss old Kenny, this one is different. She isn't herself anymore. Please, help her." Pleaded Kylie who got the backing of the Kardashian sisters.

"I will, don't worry, there are 2 outcomes most likely. Either we fix the problem... or I leave for good." You said as you walked out the door.

As you hopped into your car you drove straight to Kendall's home. Your emotions began to go haywire as you slowly got closer to the destination. You remembered Kendall as a kind and caring best friend, now you also remember the dreadful glares and painful insults she sent at your way. You felt again all the emotions you've been feeling up until now. Sadness, pain, anger and more arrays of emotions.

You've finally reached your destination; that is Kendall's home. You knew for a fact that she was here because her car is there. You parked your car by the side and slowly and quite dreadfully walk up to her front door. You felt again a array of emotions slam your mind and memories constantly keep coming back to you.

Now that you have finally reached the front door, you prepared to knock on the door until, the door opened up to see Kendall. Who looked tired and dreadful.

"Y/L/N, what do you want?" Said Kendall sternly as she folded her arms together.

"Kendall. What happened between us?" You asked.

"Nothing, I got tired, that's all, now leave me." Plainly stated Kendall as she was about to slam the door until you stopped her.

"Kendall, no. Tell me what driven you to act like this?" You pleaded Kendall to explain what started this.

"Don't force my hand Y/L/N." She said in a threatening tone.

"Kendall, please, I need to know, you are killing me here. What caused all of  this? Why are you treating me like complete shit?!" You exclaimed until you were slapped.

Kendall, slapped you.

"I treated you like that cause your nothing to me now. Now go, I don't want to see you anymore." Kendall said as she closed the door on you, your friendship together, and the past you guys once had.

Author's note: I'm leaving it here, this was inspired on my own view on what I've been experiencing recently. Don't worry, I'll probably work on a different ending to this.

Kendall Jenner Imagines/Storiesحيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن