I Came For You.

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The stars were shining once more. As you walked below the night sky, feeling the cool breeze pass.

It was quiet, no one was there at the park, and the city lights of L.A. was nowhere to be seen, just the lamp posts' lights guiding your way, the rustling of leaves all around you. 

You enjoyed this dearly, it allowed you to collect your thoughts and straight them out. Your life has been quite the ride as of late. You had to adapt to all sorts of situations and you've nearly ended it all yourself at several occasions.

However here you walk. On stone pavement laid out by some planner, aimlessly roaming about occasionally looking above and enjoying the stars shining on you. 


You keep getting reminded by looking at the stars of someone who used to gaze them when you. Who'd watch as they'd shine as bright as they can be, as some would die out and lose what they gave off their radiant light, as a occasional shooting star pass by they'd make a wish for happiness. You wondered if they have found that happiness, the one that they seemed to look for constantly. 

You frowned in dismay with the thought of them, you've given them so much and you never got anything in return. 

It is indeed selfish to think you'll receive something in return.

However constantly giving things to that person would lead for a small hope in the back of your head to flourish, that they'll give something in return for all the care, love, and temporary happiness you've given them. 

For as long as you knew them, nothing much was received. Some trips around the world, food, and a lot of problems. It was what you got but it wasn't what you were looking for.

Your hope slowly died off as you wished for the sweet bliss of the other side. Your thoughts raging along with the emotions carrying your fragile heart, yet you still stayed by their side. Waiting for something significant, the things you were looking for from that person.

Love. Recognition. Fulfillment.

You sat down at a nearby bench, sighing due to what you've been thinking.

"When can I fully escape and move on from you, Kendall. Why wouldn't you let me move on from the darkness that continues to surround me and eats me inside out?" You murmured as you looked up to the stars and saw a shooting star pass. The vastness of the sky engulfing your view and later on, your thoughts. You just stared in amazement as the stars surround you above.

You didn't notice her but Kendall was several meters from you,  watching you from a distance. 
Trying to think of a way to approach you, she was made well aware of what she did to you, neglecting you and not noticing all the cries, the signs, all the signals you gave out for her to come and help you. To return the countless things that you have done for her. She was made aware of this by Tom when she first went to him regarding where were you.

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