The end (The alternate ending)

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Author's note: I highly suggest reading the entire story first before coming here and reading the alternate ending.) I would also like to thank those who have voted I cannot say any words that can describe my gratitude right now.

As you slowly walked up to the front door, your emotions began to go haywire. You felt sadness, pain, happiness, determination, fear, anger, and it just kept going on with more emotions coming to hit you right at the heart every moment.

As you reached the front door, you slowly reach out your hand to the door to knock you felt dread yet also determination to find out the cause of all of this, but before you could even knock on the door it surprisingly swung open to reveal Kendall in all her beauty. She was smiling when she opened the door. Oh how you missed that smile of hers, like your emotions you never knew why you found that smile alluring to your senses. It never failed to calm you when it arises. She continued smiling until, she laid her beautiful brown eyes on you...

She immediately frowned when she saw you.

"Kendall, may I... please speak to you?" You nervously asked. Again, your emotions began to go haywire as dread began to slowly control you and affect your speaking ability.

"Y/L/N... what is IT that you need to talk about?" She dragged the word "it" emphasizes the word with venom. You can clearly tell she didn't want to talk to you.

"Kendall... you know why I want to talk to you. What did I do wrong?" You asked feeling scared as hell and the most dreadful you ever been. You kept your guard up though, you still stood strong, but it won't last for long. You knew it, and Kendall knew it all too well.

"There is nothing wrong Y/L/N, you've done nothing wrong, I'm simply like this." She calmly stated glaring at you.
The glare, she knew you'd start to break  as it is placed onto you.

"The Kendall I know wouldn't call me by my last name." You said trying to put up an argument.

"Is there something wrong with it? After all it's your name, don't tell me you are ashamed to be called by your family name." Kendall knew she struck a nerve there. You love your family and was very prideful when it comes to family, but you prefer to be called by your first name, it made you feel special because there is no one else in your family with that name.

"No, there is nothing wrong with being called by my last name. Just what's causing this? This rift between us. Just recently you became cold as hell, did I do something wrong, what am I to you Kendall?" You slowly began to let go of your restraints.

"Nothing caused it! Alright?! This is who I am and if you have a problem then we shouldn't be friends!" Kendall bursted, you were taken back by this. You only ever saw her outburst once, and that was during a time she was defending you.

"Then what am I to you?! A friend? You once considered me your best friend. Now that all changed after new year's eve! After you became cold, ruthless, unforgiving! What am I Kendall?! Have you forgotten everything we been through, all the hardship, all the triumphs, all the trips around the country, our adventures together! Did all of that mean nothing in the end?! Are you going to leave it all, pretending as if none of those ever happened?!" You finally let go, you never released your frustrations on anyone. She knew it, you knew it. Kendall, not knowing what to say, just stayed silent as you continued on. "Kendall please! Tell me why! Why did you change, what caused all of this? Am I at fault? Did I cause this? What am I now?" You slowly began to decline in volume as you looked down, crying and sobbing as you just looked down trying to stop it.

Silence. That's what everything was as of that moment between you two. Thankfully no one was there around the area. She was looking down on the ground while you were doing the same, just silently sobbing.

"You're still a friend.." She quietly said although you could tell she was regretting everything.

"Then why? Why the insults, the glares, the scowls whenever you see me or come in contact with me?" You tearfully said. She slowly looked up, and now you could fully see her face after your outburst.


She was crying, the person you cared for so much, the person who made you feel alive, your best friend. The person you love. Was crying, because of you.

"I was afraid. I was afraid that you were pretending, for all these years you didn't care about who I was individually, you didn't care about my personality, my humanity. I thought you cared for my name. Who I was related to, and how much money I got." She explained while crying, stopping between explanation she sobbed, yet she continued on. "I thought you were like others, like the people my friends and family were warning me about. A person who would do anything for money. For fame, for reputation.." She finally kneeled down giving in to her weak jelly-like legs and collapsed on the ground crying.

"Kendall.." For the entire time you were silent, trying to comprehend the situation at hand. Why would she think you were like those people? Why did she even believe that I was even like them. She would have known ages ago if I was like the people she described.

You knelt down, going to her current level and paused for a moment. You wondered was it truly time to reveal to her that you love her, not as a friend, but something much more.

" Kend-- Kenny, I... up until recently I have been feeling things whenever I'm with you. Not happiness, nor anger or sadness. The emotion I felt, was something I never really felt at this level. I felt love. Kenny, I am in love with you. For as long as I have known you, my life got more lively, I was no longer bored, I was no longer sitting down or lying on my bed doing nothing. I was with you. Going out and seeing the world, trying new things and meeting new people. I was no longer confined in my home. I love you Kendall Jenner. I will never ever go after you for money, fame, or to increase my reputation. I will be here, even if you don't want me to be."

She looked up at you, and you looked at her. Both of you still crying from everything said. You kissed her, and she kissed back. A whole new door has opened, and both of you will be going... together.

Author's note: Alright, please tell me what you guys thought. Also remember requests are indeed being accepted by me. I'll be happy to do my best to make your request with the best of my ability. Thank you all for the support once again, a bid you all. A good bye.

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