Your sun.

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People just love to look at the sun settling down after a long day. May it be by themselves or with company. Usually, that company would be in the form of their beloveds.

You never truly understood why people loved to look at something you see everyday as if it's the last time they'll see it. Some said it was the peace and freedom you'll feel when you look at it. Others said you'll feel warm anf fuzzy inside, as if you were being embraced and cared by someone who cares for you deeply.

All your life, you wondered. Why have you never felt those sets of thoughts and feelings whenever you looked at the sunset.

So... you tried to feel. Feel those sets of thoughts and feelings you'd go up to a mountain side at dusk and watch the sunset. Waiting for those feelings and thoughts to arise. Yet, everytime you tried, every single time you looked at the sunset you just kept failing. You just kept feeling that longing sensation to feel those sets of feelings and think of those sets of thoughts. Whenever you failed, you'd go home. You'd take the long route to your house from the mountain side.

You lived at Calabasas, California. Yup, you live at the state where famous people like to hang out and do their stuff. You weren't famous, at all. You're sociable, yet you like to keep your circle of friends small and closed.

Your home. Quiet as usual, your cat didn't do much, just lied around the place occasionally getting up to go do it's business. It was mostly a free loader, not watching over the place at all.

This was your routine, wake up, eat, take a bath, go to work, watch the sunset at the mountain side, walk home, sleep. There was the occassional go to a club or party with your friends, but right now, nothing at all.

You just looked out the window of your room. Longing for the things you want dearly. You just stared into the starry night sky, with an clear mind and longing heart.

This went on for minutes upon minutes until, you heard something.

*Ping* *Ping*

It was your phone, making that tusual sound to notify you that you got a message. You ignored it, yet it kept making that annoying sound.

*Ping* *Ping* *Ping* *Ping* *Ping* *Ping* *Ping* *Ping* *Ping* *Ping*

Sighing, you checked your phone. It was a message from one of your friend
inviting you to go to a party. You looked at the time.


The night is young, you replied saying you are coming and will be there as soon as possible. You also told your friend to send you the address of where the party was being held at.

So you prepared. Hoping to have fun and forget about the longiness you have been feeling.

*Timeskip to your arrival to the party*

You wore casual clothes, thankfully. It wasn't at all a formal party.

You roamed around for a bit spotting a few notable people like Chris Brown, Drake, and surprisingly DiCaprio was at the party. He was drink what appears to be Vodka. You never thought Leonardo DiCaprio would go to a party like this.

You finally spotted your friends drinking, laughing and having fun in general. As you approached you were greeted with smiles, waves, and laughter filled with joy.

You began drinking the whiskey they drunk, although. You made sure to not get so utterly drunk that you won't remember a single thing from tonight. You still needed to go home after this.

As you had enough drinking you stared at your friends, all having fun. Some shockingly making out with one another. You went and asked if they were together and they said yes.

"You missed a lot Y/N, we haven't seen you in 3 whole months. Where have you been?" Asked Rachel, a close friend of yours. She was quite a lovely lady, sadly she was taken and committed.

"Work got quite a hold of me, now I'm free, for awhile that is." You said, not telling the whole truth of what have you been up to recently. Rachel nodded and walked up to the bar to get another drink.

You looked at the bar, all sorts of drinks and cocktails were currently being served and made respectively.

Unknowningly to yourself, you began to instinctively walk to the bar and ask for a cocktail. The bartender nodded and began work on your beverage as requested.

You, still stuck in your thoughts didn't notice your drink arrived, and that a gorgeous lady was sitting right next to you.

Having enough, the lady asked you.
"You going to drink that?"

Her voice finally snapped you out of your daze and you realized where you were.

"Oh no, go ahead take it. I'll pay, after all it was originally mine, but I got to go." You said placing the money on the counter preparing to go until you were stopped by the lady as she held onto your wrist.

You turned to face the lady, and you were shocked.

It was Kendall Jenner. The It model as of right now, famous for lots of reasons,  her family's show being one of them.

"Are you alright?" She asked, looking at you with her brown eyes filled with worry for a stranger.

"I..." You were frozen, unable to speak at all. Yes you have seen the famous and well-known people all around these areas and you were never fazed by the sight of them. So this was new to you.

"Hey, let's go for a dance. You seem like fun, and probably you'll tell me whats wrong after you get used to me." She said dragging you to the dance floor.

All you felt was what you were longing for quite sometime now. You felt peace, you felt warmth, you felt that fuzzy feeling inside of you. From that point on, you knew you finally found your sunset. It wasn't really the physical sun setting down. It was someone you have just met. Apparently, even in the night. People can still find the sunset, their sunset. You finally found yours.

Kendall Jenner... who would have knew that she, of all people would be your sunset.

Author's note: Thank you for 3k reads! I apologize for not updating for awhile, but I am back. REQUESTS ARE OPEN. Message me or dm me if you wish!

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