Heart and soul

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Y/n's point of view:

I always thought, from the beginning of our friendship and later, our relationship. That I would protect you at all costs, and save you from your darkest of hours. Apparently, I was proven wrong.

I didn't manage to save you like in my dreams. Nor did I protect you with everything I have, instead. You where the one to be savior, you were the one who protected me with everything you got. You saved me in the darkest hour of my life... With the cost of yours.


"Let's get going to Kylie's home and party!" Kendall said as she was waving around the place, dancing and hopping. She was excited for Kylie's party at her place, all their friends and relatives were coming.

I walked right past her and opened the door to my car, signalling her to hop in. "Well come on Kenny, the party ain't waiting for us, so we got to go." I said smiling at her antics as she just hopped with a grand smile on her face to the car.

As she got on the car, she winked at me and giving me a peck to the lips. "Hop on tiger, let's get this car up and running." She said as she brought out her phone and started doing whatever she wanted. I got on the car and drove to Kylie's place.

"Hey honey, can I have the aux wire?" She said as she gestured her hands in a "give me" type of way. Not wanting to anger her, I gave her the aux wire, she started playing the songs I loved and I just looked at her and said. "I love you so much." I gave her a smile that was as wide as I can get it to be.

"I know you do, now relax and drive while I'll handle the music." She said as she picked one very catchy song.

As we got closer and closer to the party house that is Kylie's home. We reached a intersection, the stoplights were red and the streets were empty. It was just us, and the stoplight.

"Why is the stoplight taking so long to change?" She said clearly getting frustrated with the time that was being wasted with the stoplight. I simply sighed and waited for it to change, and with me thinking about it, the stoplight changed from red to green. As I began to move the car I could hear the sound of a car speeding faster than the designated speed limit. As I noticed the car heading straight forwards us, I knew collision was inevitable. So I unbuckled my seat belt and shielded Kendall as much as I could from the hit.

All time froze as we got hit, her face of pure shock and fear. I'd never forget that, she was so scared, of what could happen to her, and to me. I simply told her "I love you, and don't you forget that." Our car was sent several feet from it's original position and my vision went black.

Kendall's point of view in flashback:

As we got hit by the speeding car, I was shocked when y/n just placed his body in front of me taking most of the force that came from the hit and said "I love you, and don't you forget that."

Our car and us along with it were sent several feet from it's original position and hit a street light.

As I hazily brought my head up, it wasn't a great sight. Y/n was right next to me, with his blood covering a portion of his face. I will never forget how he protected me. Never. I tried to get out of the wreckage but I failed as I was unfortunately stuck.

It happened so fast. Emergency paramedics came in and helped us out. They checked me for any major damage, aside for a few scratches and bruises here and there I was fine. Y/n on the other hand was losing blood fast and had several injuries that requires treatment quick. They strapped him on a jumper and placed him inside the ambulance, with me coming as well.

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