Sky Full of Stars

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In the darkness of the night, flashy lights of the metal jungle. You gaze upon your surroundings to the sky and to the ground.

A glass of red cabernet wine, and a lounge chair on the balcony. You enjoy the blinking lights up above and the speeding also steady lights coming from the city.

Closing your eyes you take in a calm breath. Such serenity, peacefulness, quiet.

Yet you look at your watch, there is something wrong.

Something seems off around you. Something afloat, out of place, improper, incomplete.

You felt incomplete.

You grabbed your glass and took one last good look at the sky, there was no moon, but that wasn't it.

You went into your apartment and opened the TV, and there it was, the one missing thing to make you whole, your missing piece.

Kendall Nicole Jenner. She was walking down the red carpet of the Met Gala, she was in attendance with her sisters and mother. Her beautiful dress didn't do much less than enhance her extravagant elegance and profane beauty. She radiated confidence and ferocity that she has always been known for. She stabbed the cameras with her piercing, alluring, attracting eyes. With her lush radiant red lips, she smiled.

You looked at her in awe and dumbstruck at her wholeness, but you squinted your eyes and look closer, there too was something different in herself. Her eyes, the gateway into the soul. They showed loneliness, but hid it well. Too well. You sighed as you went into the kitchen.

When in doubt, ice cream always does the trick for a lonely heart.

Taking out the entirety of the delicacy from the freezer. You stared at the television and it continued to play on with the rest of the guests arriving.

You were invited to the Gala but chose to decline.

You've been to too many events already this month and have been exhausted for quite sometime.

So you've been resting for the past week. Catching the rest that you wish, and you've been enjoying it so much.

You decided to go ahead and watch the latest season of Game of Thrones.

Time passed and you didn't notice, it was just you, the TV, ice cream, and the peaceful night.

It was such a good surrounding,

but not a heavenly view.

You're immersed self didn't notice nor hear, but the door opened and closed. Quiet steps were taken and as you ate ice cream, two arms wrapped around you. You felt a breath hitch and brush your neck as a head rested on your shoulder.

"Really wished that you joined me at the Gala." A gentle voice said. Digging in deeper to your neck as her nose sniffed your scent.

"I wanted to enjoy a quiet night with a sky," You said and placed the ice cream aside and looked at her.

"a sky full of stars." You continued as you took one arm into your grasp and stared at her eyes. Inching towards her face.

She smiled gleefully as you begun to sing.

"'Cause you're a sky, 'cause you're a sky full of stars." You looked at her for permission and she nodded and you kissed her hand when you brought it up. While looking at her and slowly continued your way to her lips.

"Such a heavenly view." You sung as you pressed your lips on hers, her hands engulfing your head in an embrace. Both didn't fight for power, there was no fierceness. Only the gentleness and longing of one another. As you deepened the kiss and caressed her cheeks.

You parted requiring breath, and as you gazed upon her in all her beauty and confidence, you smiled. You're whole. She's whole. Together, both of you are complete with one another.

"You're such a heavenly view." You told her smiling cheekily and she giggled at it and slapped your shoulder.

"Oh shut it you, now come on and make some room, hand me the ice cream, and cuddle me!" She ordered as you moved aside and she hopped over the couch and right next to you, your arm over her and she leaning into you. Ice cream in her hands and a smiling satisfied expression on her face. 

"I love you." She told you.

"And I love you too." You replied, kissing her forehead and looking at the TV screen, enjoying Game of Thrones.

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 23, 2019 ⏰

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