Secret discovered.

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3 weeks....

You haven't see Kendall Jenner, your girlfirend, your significant other, the person you can't feel truly safe without, the one person that makes you as happy as hell.

She left going to Australia for a photoshoot there. She said it would simply be business. The usual photoshoots and a few interviews here and there. All of that should have lasted usually a week and a half like any other photoshoot. You were wrong though, you haven't seen her since she left approximately 3 weeks ago.

You tried your best trying to find out where she was through the plethora of friends you both have. Sadly no friend knew where she was at all. You even tried her family but they all led to a dead end.

Worried, you stayed at her home for the entire 3 weeks in hopes that when she does eventually come home, you'll be there to welcome her home.

"Kendall, where oh where may you be?" You murmured while fast forwarding on Rick and Morty's season 3 episode 1. You sighed, you hoped so much that Rick and Morty would help you cheer up. Of course you were wrong about it helping you.

"Maybe I should go for a walk around the neighborhood." You thought to yourself, grabbing your keys and coat and going out the front door.

"Oh Bloody... it's so bright!" You said as the shining bright light that is sunlight came down upon your eyes for the first time after a week.

"Note to self... never binge watch anime, cartoons, and netflix shows for a week." You told yourself while walking around Los Angeles. It was quite lively this afternoon as tourists were taking pictures here and there having a great time, people smiling while hanging out with friends and relatives.

The one thing that annoyed you so much though was all the couples around you. Kissing, hugging, holding hands, all displays of affection that you haven't felt for 3 weeks.

"Dang PDA, must you annoy me right now?" You looked up at the sky while talking. Obviously asking the other worldly force that was causing these annoyances around you to suddenly happen.

After quite awhile you ended up right in front of your manager's office.

"Hmm... maybe I'll give Josh a visit?" You said, Josh is your manager. He was your very first manager and he has done so well since you are practically considered a household name. All the years together made you two swell friends. So you walked in the said office.

"Y/N! Just the person I wanted to see." Josh greeted you with a sarcastic tone as right in front of him was a pile of papers.

"Nice to see you too, how have you been Josh?" You greeted back. He sighed and rubbed his head.

"Never better, you disappeared for awhile, not roaming the streets and surprising fans like you used to. What happened?" He asked now showing how concerned he was for you and your well being.

"Am I talking to Josh the manager or Josh the old comrade of mine that has been with me through thick and thin?" You simply stated seeing if he was simply being professional with you or was he truly concerned.

"Josh the old comrade of yours that has been with you through thick and thin, if that's what you call high school and college then yup. It's your old pal here, now tell me how are you? What happened to you these past two weeks?" He asked genuinely concerned, but you could tell there was something more to what he said. As if he was feeling guilty for something.

"Not too good is what I can say... I miss Kendall badly and I am worrying for her. She said she would be gone for a week and a half tops. It's been 3 weeks and she still hasn't come home. I am worried as hell. You haven't heard from her, have you?" You asked now looking down sadly and worried. Josh was one of the few people you could show how worried you truly can be for people, especially Kendall.

"I... I... I'm so sorry I never told you this Y/N..." Josh murmured quietly, but loud enough for you to hear him. You looked at him with curiosity as he stood up and opened one of his file cabinets and handed you a file with Kendall's name on it.

You opened it....

And you wished you never ever opened it at all.

You found a contract with your name on it as well as Kendall's...

It was a publicity contract, with Kendallms signature on it.

"Kendall one day came to my office with her manager of a mother and handed me this contract. I couldn't do much but accept. Strategically it would be great exposure for you. Although as your friend I didn't want to accept this. I was bound by this contract to not tell you at all about this. I'm so sorry about this. They just kept pushing for me to accept... you know how I am...I'm sorry.." Josh explained as he sat on his chair with his head down low. I looked at him and sighed.

"I'll never blame you for this Josh. You tried your best to refuse this... it's just so much to take in... I'll... need sometime to accept and take this in." You said quietly walking out the door only to be stopped by Josh as he grabbed your hand.

"Please, don't do anything too rash and stupid. A lot of people care for you, even if she really didn't care at all. Please." Josh pleaded with you, in his eyes, you could see fear for your safety.

"Don't worry, I survived hell that was school and this competitive as hell profession that is creating music. I'll be fine." You said with a smile plastered on your face as you left.

"So it was all fake huh... I don't know if anyone else knew... Did Gigi, Hailey, Cara, Bella know? Are they really my friends? Do they have contracts connected to me that I don't know too? I don't know who to trust... damn." You thought as you reached Kendall's home, you came here to pick up your things.

Yet another thing was waiting for you.

"Y/N!" You heard a feminine yet elegant voice exclaim coming from the front door.

Kendall Jenner.

"Oh no." You simply said, frozen in place. Having no idea on what to do.

Author's note: THANK YOU FOR 7K reads! My favorite number!

You guys up for a part two to this?

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