Selected Neglection

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"Kendall! Open the door! Please! Let me help you!"

You banged on the locked door of one of the rooms in Kendall's home. She called you over to hang out, you came as soon as possible and the door was locked. You were grateful that she gave you a spare key if anything were to happen to her; however, she didn't give you a key to the room she is staying in. She was crying loudly and you could hear it. You tried to get in only to find it locked so here you were attempting to get into the room to comfort your crying girlfriend.

After hitting the door several times to try and open it, you decided to text your friends. The closest people Kendall had aside from family. 

It has been a year since you two were together and this is the first time that something like this has happened, you hoped your friends could help since they've probably helped her through something like this.

You were as close to them as they were as close to Kendall. Which was extremely close. So you can trust them with almost anything. 

The cries still kept going on and on, that you started to cry just because Kendall was crying and you couldn't help her. Damn mahogany door. You began to silently pray hoping at least one of your friends answer the call for help. They were all so busy, being celebrities and all.

Surprisingly, every person you messaged answered the text with:

"I'm on my way, don't worry. I will help." That was from Gigi.
"Don't sweat, I'm coming to save the day!" From Zayn.
"Coming, coming!"Texted Cara.
"Let me put on my socks, I'll be there as soon as possible." Answered Bella.
"On the way, just shout words of comfort to her." Hailey stated. 

You were smiling that all of them answered. That they were on the way to help. So you began to do what Hailey said, you just kept saying comforting things Kendall. Reassuring things won't be like this, that everything will get better.

After a bit, one by one, they all began coming in. Zayn got here first, using his bicycle to get here. Cara arrived next, followed by Gigi, Bella and lastly Hailey. Zayn moved you to the side a bit and immediately began to slam the door, so far, it wasn't working in his favor.

"Darn door won't budge!" He kept hitting it until he decided to body slam the door and he was immediately on the ground, rocking around with pain.

"That hurt like hell." Zayn groaned as he slowly got up, still rubbing his body. Gigi rummaged around her bag until she brought out a key.

"You should have let me said something instead of grunting loudly and shouting. You might have made things worse for Ken." She scolded him as she inserted the key and unlocked the door. 

"Wait, why do you have a key to the door and I don't?" You asked her with curiosity as she gleefully smiled. 

"I stay in this room whenever I sleep over here, I slept here so often that Ken decided to give me a duplicate of the key to this door. Sad that she didn't give one to you." She teased lightly, but that began a slew of voices expressing doubt with the relationship Kendall and you had. You attempted to pay no mind but you couldn't help but listen. You didn't get fazed by this though as you and everyone went in and began to comfort Kendall.

The doubt didn't end there though.

After the incident, Kendall just began became seemingly and suddenly distant. She didn't speak much anymore and she just looked at you, staring at you whenever you two were together. There was indeed an occasional kiss, hug, tender moment, and joy between you two. It didn't over take the doubt. The voices in your head kept on getting louder, and it was driving you mad and insane.

One point, you were just sitting on the floor of your room. Inside the house that you thought you shared with Kendall. She always seemed to be in an outing or working. She didn't sleep next to you anymore, nor did she sleep in the same place. She slept with either Gigi, Bella, Cara, Hailey, Kylie, Kim, Kourtney, or Khloe, in their respective houses. Her social media pages kept you updated.

You didn't want to bother your friends, you didn't want to be a hassle, to be a bother, a nuisance, or a waste of time to them. You convinced yourself to message them, they might answer. After all whenever Kendall messaged them or you messaged them regarding Kendall they'd come as soon as possible. If she wanted to hang out or called for help, they'd clear everything in that day and come. A part of you hoped that they'd do the same. You didn't want to expect though so you tried to keep your expectations as low as possible, in the case they didn't answer, left you on read, or just simply didn't bother with the message after 30 minutes of sending it. So you sent a message to them, hoping they would come. To help calm the voices that were now shouting bloody murder in your mind. You were being consumed, and you felt your heart slowly breakdown as the minutes went by. 

You didn't know but hours went by and not a single message was replied to. You were left on read, they didn't reply, they didn't come, nor did they bother to message you a apology for not replying. You got nothing. At least they had the decency of seeing the message.

You looked down at the floor, not noticing time pass by as day became night. You moved little. Lying down on the floor, listening to the voices as they spoke to you, telling you that they didn't simply care. That they didn't see you in the way you saw them. Tears flowed from your eyes but after awhile, it too stopped. Now you just laid, doing nothing and staring at nothing. You haven't eaten, you haven't slept, you haven't bathed. 

It has been a total of two and a half days since you became like this. No message from them at all, even Kendall didn't message. You weren't surprised though, she'd take days to even send a message sometimes. Until she did send a message, and it wasn't something you were expecting.

"We are over. I'm no longer happy with us, I don't feel the love anymore. I'll go to your place to collect my things, see you then."

It was that simple, and you just stared at your phone, surprisingly it still lived even after not being charged for quite awhile. You didn't cry, you didn't moan, you just suffered silently as you were too weak to even do anything now. 

You were alone, and you had nothing to share the pain that you feel with. None of your closest friends seemed to care. So you closed your eyes and dreamt of better times, to try and help sooth your raging mind as the voices have finally consumed you entirely.

I'm still kicking, but barely. I've used this site as a means to release my sorrow, since my friends really don't seem to care. How I feel is currently stated there, I'm trying to recover from the pain but I guess I'll live until sweet sleep finally becomes eternal. I write what I feel and from time to time write continuations to these oneshots. I won't take myself to the heavens above or depths of hell, but if the reaper finally comes I will have no quarrel since I would finally get rest from the voices. 

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