Chapter 3

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Chapter 3:
*next day*
JJ pov:
Yesterday was a very long but fun day. I got to play with Henry watch movies and see Will. I got up around 7 to go back to work. I laid out black jeans and a dark blue tee shirt. Everyone is still asleep so I get in the shower. By the time I get out and dressed it's 7:15. It's time to get up for pre-school! He hates Mondays. So do I. Will gets him up while I make breakfast. Just some cereal. "Hey Jen we have a voicemail." Will calls from the living room. "Ok play it!" I shout back. We start to listen. "Uh hey JJ I'm sorry about the whole Henry thing but can we talk?" Then it ends. Oh shit. I am thinking. "What do you mean something about Henry?" Will shouts. I haven't told him yet. "Will please don't get angry but Henry is Spencer's child." I say worried. "What?!?" He shout. "When did this happen?!" He grabs my arm hard. "Will I'm sorry just please let go!" I plea. "You b**tch!" He screams then throughs me to the ground. "I- I- I'm sorry!" I stutter. "Henry go to your room." Will says sternly. "Otay." He says and runs upstairs. He doesn't understand what going on. "Will let's talk about this." I say as I stand up. "Talk about what?! You slept with him while we were dating! That kid upstairs isn't even mine!" He slaps me across the face. I yelp a bit. I never knew he could be like this. "It wasn't like that I never meant for any of this to happen!" "Really? You thought I would never find out!" He yells and slams me into the table. My nose starts to bleed. Then he grabs a beer and walks away as if nothing happened. I wait a while and then I run upstairs. Almost as soon as I walk in I get a text from Hotch. *Sorry about this late notice but no case today* I sigh in relief. My face aches. I am thinking about what to do. I decide to call Spence seeing she only lives 5 minutes from here. *ring ring* it rings for a few more seconds and then he picks up. "Oh uh hi JJ." He says. Then I sniffle and start to cry. "JJ?! JJ what's wrong?!" "It's Will." I say sobbing. "Ok I'll be right over." He says but I stop him. "Wait no Spence he is downstairs if he sees you. Wait down the block." I tell him. "Ok see you in 5." Then we hang up. I immediately start packing my bags. I have clothes to last me a week and I slowly creep over to Henry's room. "Hi Henry do you wanna go to uncle Spence's?" "Ya!" He says. "Ok honey I need you to pack all of your things you want. Pj's, clothes, stuffies." "Ok momma." He says. I wait 5 minutes until I creep down the stairs. Will is passed out with 4 empty bottles of beer around him. *5 minutes are you serious?* I think to myself. "Sshh." I whisper to Henry. I grab him and run out of the door. "Momma what happen to your nose?" He asked. I felt and I still had blood on it. "I accidentally put ketchup on it. I tell him then he giggled. I see Spencer's car. "Oh my god JJ!" He says in shock he takes Henry and puts our bag into the trunk. In 5 minutes we are at Spencer's apartment. We don't talk In front of Henry. So we stay quiet until we get inside.

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