Chapter 15

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Chapter 15:

JJ pov:
The rest of the night I just watched Henry and tried to think of a way to get out or contact someone. Eventually I lay on the couch as Henry is building a house out of building blocks. And my eyes get heavier and heavier. Then I fall asleep. I wake up and sit up. Henry is asleep curled up next to me. I look outside. It's dark. I decide to just stay there. I don't wanna disturb Henry. But I lay there awake thinking. I got it. The last thing I think before drifting off to sleep was 'pay phone'.

Spencer's pov:
I get up the next morning and sigh. Because I tried to think it was a dream. But it's not. I shake it off and get ready for work slowly. As I'm driving I think what am I suppose to do now? When I pull up to the BAU I'm 10 minutes late. Great more attention. I think to myself. I walk into the briefing room. "Your late." Hotch says. "But it can slide." He adds. We continue the briefing. I just stair at the table. After we are done Morgan comes up to me. "Hey. How are you?" "Fine." I say and walk away. But I'm really not.

JJ pov:
Well I need to get Henry to school. It's about 7 so we need to get ready. Will said he would drive me halfway so I wouldn't know where we were staying. "But you said I could drive him alone?!" I question him. "But then you would leave me." He adds. I get everything for Henry ready. "Backpack?" I ask. "Yup." He replies. "ok let's go." Will says opening the door for us. After we drop off Henry I look for a pay phone. Ok here's my chance. "Hey can we stop at the pay phones? I need to call my mom to let her know I'm ok please??" I say with puppy dog eyes. "Ok." He says kinda frustrated. "5 minutes." I jump out of the car and put in my change. I immediately call Spencer.

Spencer's pov:
Just before we board I get a call from an unknown number. "Hello?" "Spence." "Jj why are you calling me?" I say mad. "I never wanted to break up with you. I was forced. Will has Henry and I and I needed to tell you that." She pauses. "JJ let me tell the team-." "No Spence I can't risk loosing you and Henry. He said he'd kill you both if I made contact but I had to call you today. I don't know where he's keeping us." She sobs. "Them what am I suppose to do?" I ask. "We need to stay in contact. Every Tuesday?" She asks. "Ok." "I'm sorry Spence it's been 5 minutes I gotta go. Bye love you." "Bye love you too." I add before she hangs up. I feel as if 1,000 pounds has been lifted off my shoulders. Then I think. Will has them and there's nothing I can do about it.

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