Chapter 29

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Chapter 29:

JJ's pov:
I woke up with a text message from Hotch. *Lots of paper work.* I look over and it's 8:00am. I moan which wakes up Spencer. "What's wrong?" He asks. "Work." He nods in agreement. I call Henry's nanny and she gets here in less than 30 min. "Thank you." I say shaking her hand before leaving. "Anytime miss Jareau." She says with a smile. Spencer grabs my hand as we walk downstairs to our car. When we walk into the briefing room and we are greeted by Aaron. "I can't wait to see you doing her hair." he says to Spencer I laugh at that because I think it will be the cutest thing ever.

Spencer's pov:
This is actually making me nervous all this girl talk. Doing hair, dress up, t party's it's kinda freaking me out. I think JJ can sense it. "It's gonna be ok." I try to wipe the expression off my face as best I can so JJ doesn't worry. Hotch gives us our paper work and we all sit at our desks. But I am really distracted because of this I don't know why I'm so nervous about this. After about an hour I get up and go visit Garcia to take a mental break. "Sup my junior g man." Garcia says as she spins in her chair. "Lots of paper work." She makes the 'O' face. She hands me a bowl of lollipops. I take one. "What's on your mind?" She asks. "Nothing." "Oh come on you know you can't hide anything from me." I shrug and agrees because it's true, you really can't. "Well I'm nervous." "About what?" "Having a girl." It's almost like it was shock. "Why?" She asks. "Because you have to do their hair, play with dresses and dolls, help them with boys and I don't think I'm cut out for that." She puts her hand on my arm. "It's true. You'll have to do all those things but, you just have to take it one step at a time and I promise she will have the best dad ever." Then she pauses. "And I know you will be the best fairy princess ever!" I smile back at her. "Now go get to work." She says and points to the door.

Morgans pov:
After 5 hours of work we all get to go home. I decide to call her and ask her out to lunch. "Hey babe I was wondering if you wanted to come over for some lunch?" "I'd love too!" I smile. "Ok see you at me place 1?" "Sounds good see you." I gotta get everything ready. 1 o'clock rolls around quickly. "Hi." I say and kiss her as she walks in. "Hey." I walk her to the couch. We sit down and look at each other. And then we kiss. It's a very long and passionate kiss.

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