Chapter 28

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Chapter 28:

Spencer's pov:
"Your baby is a girl." "Aw Spence! A little baby girl!" JJ says before I kiss her. "She's going to be beautiful." I say. The doctor let's us have a moment. "A little girl." I repeat still in aw. "Henry is gonna be an awesome big brother." I say. "Uh oh." JJ says which automatically gets me worried. "What?!" "Penelope is gonna spoil her like crazy." I laugh. "That's actually one of our main problems that we'll have." I say which makes her laugh. "I'm gonna call Penelope and Emily." She shrieked. "I'll call Morgan." I laugh. I leave the room. *ring, ring* "hello?" Morgan answers. "Hey." I say with a smile on my face. "Pretty boy!! How was it." "Well..." I drop my expression. "Oh no reid what happened?" For a profiler he fell for that way to easily. "I'm just kidding." I say and laugh. "Just know that paybacks are a bitch." I laugh again. "Well we're having a girl." "Aw! Spencer congrats. Can't wait to see you play dress up and t-party." Which makes me chuckle again.

JJ's pov:
"Hello mamma bear." Penelope says as she answers her phone. "Hi Penelope guess what?" "What!" She squeals. "It's a girl!" She screams in the phone. "EEEEPPPP YAY! Aw! She is gonna be the sparkliest prettiest little girl ever!!" "What ever you say." I giggle. "She will be." She says in almost a mischievous voice. "Oh brother." I say into the phone as I place my hand on my head. "Well gotta go Penelope gotta tell Emily." I tell her to stop her from babbling about dresses and shoes and hair. "Ok sweet cheeks bye." "Bye." I hang up and dial Emily's number. "Hey Em." "Hi JJ! How was it?" "Well the doctor said we're having a baby girl." I say and I don't think I have stopped smiling since. "Congrats JJ! She is gonna be so cute and super smart. Ok JJ you know I love you but I gotta go sorry talk to you later bye." "Ok uh bye." I say and she hangs up. Weird. Then Spencer comes back in. "The doctor said we can go." He helps me up and we make our way out of the office. "And here." He says handing me and envelope. I open it and pull out pictures of the ultrasound. "Wow." I say. "What?" He asks. "I just can't believe that's inside of me right now." He smiles. Then we just walk to our car and drive home.

Emily's pov:
"Sshh be quiet!" I say hitting his chest. "She could've heard you!" I say and laugh. "And that a bad thing because..." He says kissing me. "I don't want them to know just yet." I say and lay down by him. "You know I love you right." He says. "Yea I think I know." I says looking up at him and kiss him.

Spencer's pov:
When we get home we see Henry watching a movie while the nanny is putting his toys away. "Thanks for watching him." I say and pay her. "Oh no problem anytime." She says and leaves. "Hey Henry!" I say which gets his attention "Daddy!" He says and runs over and then he sees JJ in the kitchen. "Mommy!" He says and gives JJ a kiss. "Did you eat him?" He asks. I laugh and so does JJ. "No sweetie." She says in between laughs. "Okay." He say. "Wanna start looking for houses tomorrow?" I ask her I can tell she is just waiting to buy one. "Sure when ever you want to." She says. "Ok then tomorrow it is. "Tomorrow it is." She repeats.

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