Chapter 10

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Chapter 10:

JJ pov:
After the call I just wanted to forget about him. So I walked inside and tried to let it slip my mind. But for the rest of the night I was sorta quiet. And Spence kept trying to ask what was wrong but I just said I was fine. Finally me and Spencer were alone in the kitchen and Henry was watching Cars in the living room. "Hey JJ. What's up?" He asked. "Nothing." I protested. "Can on J. You can't hide it from me." He looked at my with his chocolate brown eyes. "Well." I say trying to stall so I can think of something. "Maybe you should visit your mom soon." I say. "JJ I know I should but with this job it's really hard." He sighs. "Hey it's ok that's why I didn't wanna tell you." I say and then hug him. He hugs me back. Then I look up at him still in his arms. "I'm gonna go check on Henry." He says and I watch him walk into the other room. "He's asleep." He smiles and walks back to me. "Ok well I am gonna go to bed. Another long day tomorrow." He frowns. "Ok I'll go get Henry a blanket." He say. "Night Spence." I kiss him. "Night JJ." As I lay down i actually forget about Will. Then after a while I feel someone climb into bed and then an arm go around me. Spence. Then he kisses me on the head and I roll over and put my head on his chest and after a while we both fall asleep.

Spencer's pov:
I wake up to see the sun just peeking through the blinds and I look and see that JJ is lying on my chest. I slowly slide out of bed and walk to the kitchen and make some coffee. Then I hear little feet tap on the floor. "Daddy!" Henry runs over. I laugh. "Hey go wake up mommy." I point to the bedroom. He giggles then I hear. "MOMMY!" And then a someone jumping on the bed. "Henry!" I hear with laughter. I walk into the bedroom to see JJ tickling Henry. I walk over to her and hand her a cup of coffee. "Thanks Spence." She takes a sip. "Ok Henry time to get ready for pre-school." "Nooo!" He says and runs away. "Henry! I'm gonna get you!" I say and chase him out of the room.

JJ pov:
"And it's only Wednesday." I mumble to myself. While Spencer gets Henry ready I get myself ready. "Come on Henry let's go. Mommy and daddy gotta go to work!" "Otay." He says and puts on his shoes. In the car Spencer gets a call. "Yea Garcia we have a go bag. Where are we heading?" Then he pauses. "Ok see you in 10." Then he hangs up. "Where are we going? I ask. "San Diego." "Great because I love being on the jet for hours and hours." I say sarcastically. "Well technically we are on the jet for-." "Come on Spence I don't really need to know." I smile at him and grab his hand. "Ok come on Henry I'll walk you to your class room." Spencer says as he gets Henry out of the car. He was gone for a few minutes then came back out. When we pulled up to the BAU we had to act professional. As we walk in Morgan eyeballs us. I wonder if he knows. "Ok everyone we can do the briefing on the jet." Hotch says. We all walk onto the jet and take our seats. But today since Morgan is suspicious I decide to sit by Emily. And Morgan sits by Reid. After the briefing Emily and I decide to play cards. "Hey Morgan, Reid you guys up for a round of cards?" Emily asks. "Sure." Reid says. We decide to play poker with cheeses. "You must be cheating." Morgan says after Reid beats us all. Again. "There is no way you can win that many times." Emily protested. "What can I say, born and raised in Las Vegas plus an edenic memory." He smiles. "Ok everyone we land in about 20 minutes it'll be 8 so after we are all heading to the hotel and getting a lot of rest for the next few days ahead. We all nod. We land with some turbulence but it's all ok. When we pull up to the hotel Hotch and Rossi go and check us in while we get the bags from the car. "I'm sorry guys the hotel is over booked so we are gonna need to bunk up." Rossi says. "How about Reid and Morgan, JJ and Emily and Rossi and I." Everyone looks pretty satisfied except me and Spencer. But we shake it off before anyone notices. I went and grabbed Emily and I something to drink when I swore I say Will standing by the hotel entrance but when I looked back he was gone. I must be loosing it.

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