Chapter 8

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Chapter 8:

Morgan's pov:
"Hey Reid." I say kinda embarrassed. Not for me but for him I guess. "Hey Morgan ugh what's up?" He's probably on edge being I came 30 seconds after they kissed. I look down at my shoes for a few seconds. "Are you and JJ a couple?" I just blurt out. "No why would you say that?" He asks really shocked at my question. "I just saw you kiss her." I point out. "Reid you can tell me." I smile at him. "Come in."

Spencer's pov:
He sits down across from me. One I gather my thoughts I start to explain. "A few days ago JJ called me saying that Will." I pause. "Beat her, so she stayed at my place for a few days with Henry." My eyes dart away from his. "What else aren't you telling me?" He asks. "I'm the reason. He found out about me and JJ and the Henry situation and freaked out. We wait a few minutes. "But now look. She loves you. And Emily owes me 5 bucks." He stands up and smiles. "What?!" I ask with a smile on my face. "Well me and Emily made a bet and I thought you guys would hook up but Emily didn't so we made a bet. This was after your guy's 'date'" he said date in such a flirty tone. "But Derek you can't tell anyone. Please?" I beg. "Ok lover boy. I won't." He chuckled. I put my hand on my face. "Night Reid." He leaves and I just plop down on the couch. I kissed JJ. I replay everything in my head until I drift off to sleep.

JJ pov:
I wake up bright and early and swing myself out of bed. I take a quick warm shower and get dressed. Then I sit on the couch and watch a little tv thinking about Spence. I smile at the thought. Then I look at the clock and put on my shoes. I walk out of the door and Spence walks out just as I do. "Good morning JJ." He says smiling. "Morning Spence." We hug for a bit. Then he looks at me. "Are you ok?" He asks "Yea much better." I say smiling at him.

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