Chapter 5

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Chapter 5:
Spencer's pov:
I can't tell JJ how I feel about her yet. She will think I left that message to sabotage her relationship with Will. I can hold on for a few more days. At 2:30pm JJ says that she has to pick up Henry. "Be right back JJ." I say and leave before she can protest. "Hey buddy!" I say as I see Henry leave his school. "Uncle 'pence!" He says so excitedly. I smile. "Wanna go see mommy?!" "Yaaaa!" As we drive Henry tells me about his school and how his classmate brought cupcakes in for his birthday. When we get to my apartment I give Henry a piggy back up the stairs. "Aaah!" Henry screams pretty loud. "Hey sshh buddy," I laugh. "You gotta be a bit quieter." He nods and we walk in. We walk in and see JJ sleeping on the couch. I smile. She looks so beautiful. "Hey Henry let's go color on the kitchen table and I'll bring mommy into my room." "Otay." He says. I walk over to JJ. I brush her hair out of her face and I gently and slowly lift her up from the couch. I walk into my room and place her on my bed. I cover her up with a blanket and leave to color with Henry.

JJ pov:
I wake up and I'm in a bed. I look and it's 6:30. I realize I'm in Spencer's bed. I walk out to the kitchen to find pages and pages of drawings and colors on the kitchen table. Then I go out to the living room and find Spencer and Henry watching sponge bob. "Spence you could've woken me up." He turns around. "I didn't wanna bother you." I smile and sit next to him. "Hey since it's 6:30 do you wanna order a pizza?" He asks me. "Sure." I reply. "I'll call." He says and gets up and leaves. "Uncle 'pence is really fun!" Henry says and jumps on me. "Well I'm glad you think so." I smile. "Can he be our new daddy?" He says as Spencer walks into the room. His face is a little shocked. "Sure." I say and wink at him. The. Henry notices Spence and runs over to him. "Daddy when's the pizza gonna get here." He lights up like a Christmas tree. "I'm about 25 minutes." Then Henry runs off and colors. "You are really great with him." I tell him. "Really?" He looks almost shocked. "Yea. You are a great dad." We go and color with Henry for a while until the pizza gets here. We all eat until our phones go off. It's from Hotch. "We have a case tomorrow. Come in at 8." We both sigh. "Hey Henry let's get ready for bed." I say. "Aw momma." He grumbles. "By the time you are ready it will be 8. And you have pre-school again." I remind him. "Yea come on bud. I'll help you." Spencer offers. They leave. The next thing I know Spencer and Henry are fast asleep with a book I their hands. I laugh grab a blanket and go to sleep on the couch. But before that I snap a quick pic. I smile just before closing my eyes.

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