Chapter 6

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Spencer's pov:
I wake up to the sound of whispering in my ear. "Spence. It's 7." Oh it's JJ. "Ok I'm up." I say and jump out of bed. JJ gets ready in the bathroom while I get ready in my room. When we are both done we quietly walk out and try not to disturb Henry. "I'm gonna call his sitter. She should be here in a few minutes." JJ says and walks off. I get my bag all ready and them she comes back. "Hey Spence it's 7:45 we should probably get going. You should drop me off so I can get my car so no one suspects anything." Then she bites her lip. "Ok let's go." We meet the baby sitter down in the lobby and I give her a spare key. When we get to JJ's place Will must be at work so I drop her off, wave goodbye and drive to the BAU. When I walk in the first thing I hear is. "Hey pretty boy!" I smile and turn to find Morgan sitting at his desk. "How was your day off?" I ask him. "I slept. For once." He jokes. We both laugh. Soon after JJ gets here, Emily, Garcia and Rossi. Hotch is already here of course. "We're ready to start the briefing." Hotch says motioning us towards the briefing room. We all sit down. "Ok avengers your case is in Miami! We have 4 dead brunettes with similar burnings and bruising." Garcia says. "We can talk more on the plane." Hotch says. "Wheels up in thirty." After that we all go to our desks organize our files and head onto the plane. Hotch and Rossi sit in the back and discuss the case while JJ sits beside me and Morgan and Emily across from us. JJ starts whispering to me about thanking me for letting her and Henry stay with me.

JJ pov:
I think spending those few days with Spence really unburied my feelings for him. When I met Will I had to burry them. I guess I've always liked him. I always get butterfly's around him. My heart starts pounding. I don't think I like Spencer. I think I love him. After a few minutes of him blabbering on about facts I notice no one is paying attention and they are trying to get a quick nap in before Miami. So I reach for Spencer's hand underneath the table and I hold it. He shuts up right away. We hold each other's hands the whole plane ride. I hope it didn't bother Spencer or else I could've just ruined our friendship.

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