Chapter 12

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Chapter 12:

JJ pov:
I just can't face Spencer right now. After what just happened. I can't. Everyone slowly drifts asleep but I'm just left there. Thinking about it. But slowly I drift off to sleep. *dream* "No don't! Spence! Please don't hurt him!" And I see Spencer with a gun to his head. "Spence I love you!" I shout. "Don't!" Then a bang. I wake up to the team above me. "JJ woah what's wrong?" Morgan asks. "Just a bad dream." I say rubbing my eyes. "Don't what?" Reid asks. "What?" You said don't in your sleep." Rossi points out. "Can we please just change the subject. When do we land?" I ask. "We already have." Aaron says. "Ok well I am gonna get home to Henry." I say and rush off the jet. Everyone dropped my dream pretty quick. When we got into the BAU it was 12:00am. We were all so tired. "Goodnight everyone." Rossi and Emily were the first to leave. Then Hotch belevie it or not. And then Morgan left not long after. Then it was Reid and I. "I had the baby sitter go to my place with Henry. Thanks for letting us stay at your place." I say. "You aren't staying the night?" He asks sad."

Spencer pov;
She's not staying? That sucks. "Why?" I ask. "I just think we should take a break. And not see each other in that way." I am heartbroken. "Jayge." I put my hand on her arm. "No Reid." She says pushing my hand away. "Reid? What happened to Spence?" I ask mad. "I need to go." She says. And walks out. What just happened. First my girlfriend and son aren't staying with me then she breaks up with me and now we aren't even friends. I walk to my car and drive straight to my place. I walk in and just drop everything. Looking through the room at all of Henry and JJ's stuff. Drawings, toys, books. I just lay in bed until 2:30 going over everything that JJ and I had.

JJ pov:
Saying those things killed me. I burst out crying when I get into my car. I go back to the house Will and I once shared. I open to find the babysitter asleep on the couch. I let her sleep there. She's more like a nanny. I walk up to bed and slide in. I put on one of Spencer's shirts and fall asleep. Hoping I don't have the same dream. I wake up again at 7 thankfully no dreams. I walk down stairs after I put on my blue jeans and black button up shirt. *help yourself to breakfast.* I leave a note for the nanny. I don't bring anything to work because I know what I need to do. I have already done half of my instructions. This is it. I pull up to the BAU to find everyone in the conference room. "JJ your late." Hotch says. "I know but I need to talk to you." I say. "Ok." He motions me to his office. "What is it JJ?" The words just burst out. "I quit."

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