Chapter 20

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Chapter 20:

Reids pov:
It was Tuesday night. Tomorrow at 7am I had to tell the team. Everything. As I lay in bed my palms started sweating and my mind was racing. Calm down it's gonna be ok. My alarm goes off at 6. I jump out of bed and immediately text everyone to meet me at the BAU by 7. *ok kid this better be important.* Morgan texts back. *whatever you say boy genius.* Garcia says. As I drive to work I run through what I was going to say. I walk in and see everyone is sitting down. "What is it Reid?" Rossi asks. "I know how to get JJ back." "What!?" Garcia nearly jumps out of her seat. "Will took her and Henry and threaten to kill Henry if she contacted any of us. I have been talking to her through a pay phone as some of you have noticed." I eye ball Derek. "Well where is she?" Emily asks. "She doesn't know but we made up a way that we can get them back safety." "That girl. That girl was JJ." Garcia says shuddering. I nod. Everyone's mouths drop. "Well how?" Hotch asks. "When Henry gets dropped off from school JJ rides with them so she said she would walk Henry into his school leaving Will vulnerable in the car alone." Everyone nods and understands. "Wait-." Morgan stops everyone's chatter. "Why did she contact you?" He knows but I guess it's time to say it. "Because JJ and I are a couple." Emily smiles and Garcia squeals. "Ok let's go." Hotch says. As we get into the our cars I start thinking of everything going wrong. Everything is going to be ok. I say trying to reassure myself.

JJ pov:
I am so nervous I get into the car with Will and Henry. We pull up to his school I see 2 black SUVs park away from each other I hope it's them. "Hey Will can I walk Henry in today?" "No." He says. "Please?" I say nearly begging. "No!" He shouts back. I feel like I'm going to faint this is all wrong.

Spencer's pov:
We see Will and Henry get out of the car. Not JJ. "Shit." I say to myself. "Is ok." Morgan says patting me on the back. JJ gets out of the car. "What are you doing?!" I hear Emily. Just as she's about to run to us Will comes out and starts going after get. "JJ!" He shouts grabbing her. We run out. "FBI put your hands where we can see them!" Hotch yells. Slowly he reaches one hand into his pocket and then all I hear is a *BANG* then JJ and Will drop to the ground.

*Sorry this is shorts ish I just wanted to leave this as a cliff hanger. I know I'm sorry I'm being so mean ;)*

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