Chapter 17

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Chapter 17:

Spencer's pov:
I wake up to banging on my hotel door. I open it to find Morgan standing there. "Sorry to wake you so early but Hotch says they found another body." He leaves and I get ready as fast as I can. I walk out of my room to find Rossi waiting at the elevator. "Here." He says handing me a bagel. "It's ok I already ate." I say. "No you haven't." Rossi looks at me with a smile. "How did you know?" I ask as we get on the elevator. "I just know." He says. When we get off he offers to drive. I get into the passenger seat and stair out the window. By the time we get to the station Emily and Derek have already gone to the crime scene. "Sorry we're late." I tell Hotch. "It's ok it was late notice." "Whatcha gonna do about it." Rossi sighs and shrugs his shoulders. JJ should be calling me in 5 hours. (Henry gets out of school at 1 starts at 8:30) I try to work on ways he could be using the blood but none of them seem relevant to the situation. Finally after 2 hours Emily and Morgan come back. "There was some blood on the wall that was odd so we took a sample and the test results should be here soon." Morgan informs us. About a half hour later a women walks in. "the blood sample you gave me has no white blood cells. It's like they've been removed." We are all puzzled.

JJ pov:
I wake up at noon. "Oh my god!" I say getting up and running to Henry's "room." He's not there. I run downstairs to see a note on the counter. "Dropped Henry off. Love you. -Will." I tear it up. Soon after Will pulls up in the truck. I have to let him feel he has power over me. "JJ?" He says walking in. "Hi Will I was just making you a sandwich." I say as I pull out ham from the fridge. "Thanks." He says sitting down. "I was wondering if I could go pick up Henry with you. You know some time alone out of the house? But it's your choice." I emphasize your choice because he needs to feel in control. "Sure why not?" He says and smiles. After he finishes his sandwich we leave. He doesn't let me see where we're going but I am only really focused on spencer. When we pull up to the school I ask Will if I can call my mom. "Well you've been better today. So I guess but when I come back out with Henry you need to be done talking." I nod. I run over to the pay phone inserts my money and call Spence.

Spencer's pov:
It's JJ. "Excuse me." I say in the middle of giving the somewhat profile we had. "Hello?" I answer. "Spence." She says. "JJ I have been so worried. "It's ok I am fine and so is Henry. Where are you?" "We're in Phenix." I say. "I am still in Virginia. I just don't know where we are staying. I don't even know if it's in Virginia." "JJ I just want you to be strong." She sniffles. "Hey don't cry." I wish I could be with her now. "I just really miss you." "I miss you to Jayge."

JJ pov:
"Reid?" I hear someone shout in the background. "I gotta go." He says sadly. "I'll call you tomorrow." I asure him." "Bye love you." He says. "I love you too." I say before hanging up.

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