Playing With Chance - Chapter 10

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Mondays suck.  

It's a well known fact that they suck too.  So why do they exist?

I opened my eyes, and stared at the ceiling.

On the bright-side, I slept better then I had in a while.

I think my mind decided to stop screwing up my dreams, because I never have okay dreams two nights in a row.  

My alarm went off again, and I jumped slightly.

Stupid thing.

Sometimes I want to see how much damage a blender would do to it.

"Elizabeth!" my mom yelled, "Breakfast!"

Now that was a good reason to get out of bed.  I wish my alarm clock said that instead of beeping at me.

"Elizabeth!  It's getting cold!"


On the bright-side, today I get to test out Elliot's idea.  

The thought brought a smile to my face as I started to jog down stairs.

"Good morning," I said happily as I walked into the kitchen.

"You seem oddly cheerful......  What are you planning?" my mom asked with suspicion.

"I'm offended.  Can't I just be happy?  Do I really need a reason?"

"There is always a reason behind a person's smile, because it's you I have to assume that the reason behind it is that you have something planned for today that isn't good."

"You know me so well...." I said smiling at her.

"Unfortunately," she said with a smile, "So...  What are you planning."

"I take back my previous statement.  If you think I'm going to tell you, you don't know me at all."

"Does it have to do with school?"


"Does it have to do with your teachers, or pranking the school?"

"Not really....."

"Will it get you expelled if you get caught?"  

"I don't know.  Can you get expelled for messing with other students?"

"It depends on what you do to them...." she answered looking at me with a disbelieving expression.

"In that case, I have no clue if it would get me expelled.  Don't worry though, I won't get caught," I stated, "It's probably not something they would expel me for anyway."

"Are you sure?  There have been somethings that you've done that you would have gotten expelled for if you'd gotten caught."

"This isn't one of those things.  It really isn't all that bad."

"I'm so tempted to keep you home today," she said looking at me with exasperation.

"But that would just be delaying the inevitable.  You should just let what happens, happen and deal with it when it becomes a problem."

"If everyone had that attitude we wouldn't get new inventions."

"Yes we would.  New inventions are a convenience, and they solve problems.  There fore people would figure it out."

She shook her head at me, and turned to eat her food.

The first person I saw when I walked through the door was of course my target.

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