Playing With Chance - Chapter 29

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I drifted in, and out of consciousness as Chance made calls, and tried to clean up the mess left over from ripping the two guys to shreds. 

There must have been something about having someone come and make sure I was going to be okay too because one of the times I woke up, I found a middle aged man leaning over me to get a better look at the cut I knew was running down my side.  When he saw that I was awake he smiled, and said something about having most of my lacerations all wrapped up, but I'm pretty sure there was an underlying worry in his eyes. 

If I were him I would be worried.  I don't even know how much I look like shit right now.

Another time I woke up to hear Chance talking to his dad about dumping the corpses in the woods with some hiking supplies.

I guess it takes a lot of effort to cover up something like this, and it had to be covered up really well, because of course nobody was going to go and talk to the police, and tell them they ripped up two people with their wolf like claws, but it's okay because they were going to try and chop up their girlfriend.

Yeah... Not going to happen.

When I woke up again I was laying in a nice comfortable bed that I'm pretty sure I recognized from somewhere.

Soft music was coming from somewhere in the corner of the room, but it was the kind that just made me want to go back to sleep.  I don't think it was classical.  It was too, peaceful to be that full of emotion.  

Who could be playing something like that?  Do I know anyone that can play the piano?

Not that I can remember.  If I knew someone that could play the piano I would have asked them to play for me so often it would have become annoying....

Suddenly my eyes flew open.

There was someone that I had asked to play for me, but then I didn't see that person around a piano for a long time, so I forgot he could play.

That's when I remembered where I had seen the bed I was laying in.  I told it's owner that mine was more comfortable.

I don't know how I didn't recognise the smell that covered the room.  I'd been surrounded by it  every time I'd woken up since it's owner found out that I had nightmares.

"Chance?" I asked, my voice barely audible to my own ears.

I guess he didn't have an issue hearing it though, because he immediately stopped playing, and I could hear him stand up.

"No," I protested, "Keep playing."

"I would, but I've been waiting for you to wake up for a very long time."

"How long have I been asleep?" I asked slightly confused.

"A little over a week now.  The doctor had to hook you up to an iv to keep fluids in your system for a while, but he said you should wake up soon, so he pulled you off them last night."

"A week?  What did you tell my mom?"

"I sent her a text from your phone that said you were going to stay at Brandy's house this time since she stayed at your house so often.  It's technically true since Brandy and Hero moved to my house after my dad found out that they were werewolves living in a human's home, and they didn't know anything about being a werewolf."

"How are you going to explain.... all this...." I asked motioning to my arm without looking.

"Explain what?" he asked with a smirk.

"All my injuries...."

"I don't see anything wrong with you."

"What are you talking about?" I asked in confusion, still refusing to look at myself.

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