Playing With Chance - Chapter 19

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I love picnics. There's always food, and people that think it's strange when you stare at them without a reason. 

Who doesn't like that?  It's so fun. 

I'm so glad that apparently Chance has them every Saturday.  

Don't know why he didn't invite me to one before this.  Maybe it's because I was mean to him....  

That's irrelevant. I'm invited now. 

I looked up as Chance pulled into the driveway of his house. 

Knowing that Chance was loaded, and seeing the proof are two very different things. His house was huge! The only house that I can think of that might be as big is Blade and Loki's, and the way I understood it that was Blade's parents house. 

Of course this was Chance's parents house. But still! It takes a long time to make that kind of cash. 

I was still in awe when Chance came around to my side of the car, and opened it for me. 

Trying my best to keep the awe off my face I took the hand Chance held out to me. 

"What did you say your family's business is?" I asked clutching his hand. 

Not going to lie, it was kind of intimidating to walk into a house that looks like that. 


"Too bad. I was really hoping I could get into whatever field it is." 

He chuckled beside me, "I'm sure you'll manage to get into it someday." 

I looked at him curiously. 

How was I going to manage to get into the business when I didn't know what they did or what it was called? 

I had to stop thinking about it after that because a woman with red hair and familiar green eyes came out of the house. 

"Chance!" She said giving him a hug, "You're early, and you brought a friend! Is this your ma... new friend that you've been telling me so much about?" 

He nodded, and she turned to me, "I'm Chance's mom, Lisa." 

Mom? She doesn't look like she's old enough to have a eighteen year old son. If I were told to make a guess I would say she was about thirty. 

"Nice to meet you," I said hiding behind Chance slightly. 

She was just as intimidating as the house. For the same reason too.  There was almost something unnatural about the beauty, and grace she seemed to move with. Sure Loki had the same feel to her, but Lisa seemed more... I don't know, sophisticated with it while Loki was more down to earth. 

This is probably just my natural dislike of most humans speaking though.  When there's something about them that I can't really pinpoint, I tend to try to avoid them. 

She wasn't weird.  Just.... too perfect.... 

I don't know why Chance even found me interesting. With a mom like that he must have higher standards. 


"I'm Elizabeth," I said realizing that I hadn't actually introduced myself. 

"Nice to meet you too," she answered with a smile. 

"Mom?" Chance said drawing her curious gaze away from me, "I'm going to show her around the house. Okay?" 

"Sure honey. Just make sure you come down in about an hour. By then everyone should be here." 

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