Chapter 9: Spending time with Shuu in a bathroom, wonderful

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Natsume: Why are you in here Shuu?

Natsume's POV

I walk in to see Shuu in my bathtub, he was still wearing his clothes thank god. When I asked him he didn't say anything.
Natsume: Oi Shuu.
Shuu: Keep your voice down, I'm taking a bath.
Natsume: In your clothes?
Shuu: Then you undress me.
I blushed at his comment.
Natsume: Undress you!? Do that yourself!
Shuu: Didn't you come here to see me naked?
Natsume: N-No! I came here to take a bath.
Shuu: If you want to take a bath then join me.
Natsume: No! Go take a bath in your own bathroom!
I blushing red now. He is totally teasing me. I saw Shuu smirk at me.
Shuu: Your blushing.
Natsume: Sh-Shut up!
You guys are brothers but why do act so differently.
Shuu: Because we have different mothers.
Natsume: Did I say that out loud?
Shuu: Yes, yes you did.
I sigh and asked Shuu more questions.
Natsume: So Which one of you have the same mother.
Shuu: Me and Reiji have the same mother, Laito, Ayato, and Kanato are triplets from another mother, and Subaru is also from a different mother.
After he said that, he was slipping into the water more.
Natsume: Shuu!
I grabbed his hand to pull him up but I was suddenly in a flasback. I had the power to look into peoples past. I was standing in a burning village, I saw Shuu as a child with another child, holding his hand.
Child Shuu: Edgar!
I was brought back in realaity, I heard him whisper which I barely heard but I still hear it.
Shuu: Edgar...
Natsume: Shuu?
I felt him squeezing my wrist which hurt a bit.
Natsume: Oi Shuu! Your hurting my wrists.
I suddenly felt him pull me and I was now in the bathtub, soaking wet. I was laying on Shuu which made me embrassed.
Shuu: Let me drink your blood.
Natsume: No!
He suddenly touched my cheek
Shuu: Your skin is very pale. If I bite on it, your blood would spurt like a geysur.
I saw Shuu looking at my neck. I then remembered that Ayato put a hickey on my neck.
Shuu: Possesive freak.
Natsume: Why are you doing this? What's the point from drinking from me? I'm not the sacrificial bride, even though I don't want you or your brothers to feed on Yui.
Shuu: Because I am a vampire. I feed on who ever I want no matter if they're the sacrificial bride or not.
I felt Shuu hug me. My neck was exposed to Shuu. He leaned in with his mouth on my neck and whispers.
Shuu: I will show you a whole new world.
I felt Shuu bite me and then he started drinking my blood. It hurts so much. It doesen't hurt bad like Ayato's when he bites me but it still hurted.
Natsume: S-Shuu! Stop!
   I tried to get out of his grip but he held me down.
Shuu: Your blood is so hot, it burns me.
I didn't say anything. I could't do anything but hold him. I feel weak. I'm disappoint of myself.
Shuu: You dirty boy, you're excited. Your temperture is rising.
I feel hot. The water is making it worse.
Shuu: I know why you were sent here. Your blood is the finest quality.
I spoke quietly.
Natsume: I-I wasn't sent here. Y-Yui was, I followed her.
He didn't listen, he ignored my words. He stopped drinking my blood and let go of my neck. He moved me off of him and got out of the bathtub and threw a towel to me. I barely caught it since Shuu drank a lot of blood, I could barely move.
Shuu: Think twice before you reach out to me again, never forget that.
Shuu walked out of the bathroom. I was in the bathtub. I couldn't stand up so I sat there. I was breathing heavily and I watched my blood mixed in with the water. My glazed eyes looked at the door where Shuu walked out. I whisper out one word.
Natsume: ......Bastard.....

Author: Hoped you liked it!

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