Chapter 25: Awakening

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(This chapter won't Natsume have until the end )

Author's POV

This begins at night with Richter looking over the lake.
Richter: Cordelia, we will meet again soon. You must wake up soon.
Then we see Yui waking up and having chest pains and wondering what's wrong with her.

Later on, Yui is walking and comes across an abandoned church. Bats fly out and she wants them off of her. She hears Shu's voice from inside the church.
Shu: Be quiet.
The bats fly off. Yui looks inside to find Shu reading.
Shu: Do you want something?
She apologizes for disturbing him.
Yui: S-Sorry, something has been wrong with me lately and I can hear a voice of a woman who isn't there. A-Also
I feel unsteady and don't feel like myself.
Shu: Come here.
He drops what he was reading and lays Yui down on the bench. He touches her face and she asks,
Yui: What are you doing? Let me go.
But Shu just chuckles while he touches her neck then bites her. He stops momentarily.
Shu: Your blood has changed and the awakening is at hand.
Yui gets confused.
Shu: Your blood is different.
He uses his thumb and wipes the blood from the fang marks and licks it.
Shu: It's hot and bursting out now.
He goes back to bite her. Yui manages to push him off a bit but he grabs her hand.
Shu: Your neck isn't the only part of her that's supplied with blood; fresh, new blood also flows through your wrists. I can tell, even through your skin because it smells good. Do not move.
He bites her wrists and stops.
Shu: Your blood is of the finest quality, I'll give you that much. Are you frightened? I'm not opposed to the look of fear in your eyes.
He pulls her up and bites her right shoulder.
Shu: Your blood is delicious, but not as much as Natsume's but it slakes my every thirst.
Yui: Stop!
Shu stops.
Shu: Is this is the awakening? Women are terrifying since I've all worked up in spite of myself and you're impressive.
He was about to bite her again but Yui asks.
Yui: What do you mean by the awakening?
Shu: No sacrificial bride has survived to the point of awakening.
When she hears 'sacrificial bride', she remembers what the brothers had said when she and Natsume first arrived.
Yui: Is that the real reason why i'm here? Does my father have a strong connection to the Sakamaki's?
He gets off the bench.
Shu: "He'll" answer your questions.
She gets confused.
Shu: I knows that "he's" in there.
We hear Richter's voice telling Shu that he's always been perceptive. He walks into the church.
Yui: Who are you?
Shu introduces him as 'Richter', their uncle. Yui then remembers seeing him when she was in the past, talking to Cordelia. Shu picks up his music book and leaves.
Richter: Forgive the poor manners of my nephews. I tried to smarten them up but it never takes. What is it that you wished to know?
Yui: I want to know why I came here and why I was chosen as well as why my father was involved with sacrificial brides.
He then smiles and says.
Richter: Chosen; how conceited can you be? You came to this house because you're suitable bridal age and you were the easiest mortal to obtain. Only a foolish mortal would consider such a thing necessity or chance. It does not involve anyone as inferior as your father.
Yui is glad that her father doesn't know but then her heart pulses and she falls and clutches her chest. As her heart beats, he says that,
Richter: I'll meet you once again; my darling. How I've waited for this moment to arrive, come with me.
The wind starts blowing and she wonders what's happening. Yui's heart pulses again and Richter walks up to her and says,
Richter: Now, let us go to her.
Richter was referring to Cordelia. He holds his hand out to Yui and her eyes are blank. He takes her to the secret room.
Richter: There is no further need for your father's diary and the photo and disintegrates them.
He leads her into the area behind the bookcase where we see Cordelia's bloodstained dress.
Richter: There is no need to hesitate because this dress belongs to you.
Yui touches the white rose which becomes covered in blood. We then see Cordelia (in Yui's mind) reaching out and grabbing Yui. She stops touching the rose and turns around.
Yui (Cordelia): We finally meet again, Richter.
Richter bows.
Richter: My beloved Cordelia.
'Cordelia' looks at her bloodstained hand and starts laughing.

The moon outside becomes red and each one of the brothers feels the awakening, Ayato especially. He goes into Yui's room to see if she is there but he finds her rosary discarded on her bed. He picks it up and clenches it.

Natsume's POV

My heart suddenly pulses. I feel something wrong. I look outside to see a bloody red moon.
Natsume: Yui....


A/N: Sorry if I didn't update! I was busy studying for exams so updates would be slow next week. 1 more week till summer break~! 🎉🎉🎉

It was very close, 8 to 10 but the most voted answer is D, so we're going to the fluffy route. Thank you Kawaii956 for giving a suggestion of a scenario and I'll think about it. My dearest readers, please also comment on other scenarios for the special chapter. Give me any scenarios with any brother or all of them, I might do a fluffy harem chapter if I like the scenario. That's all the news I have so see you later~!

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