Chapter 24: Learning about the past

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A/N: Hello! I have a very important announcement on the next note so please read that. On this story I'm going with the plot so right now this story should be on episode 7. Episode 7 is where Yui discovers the brothers childhood past and I've decided to skip it and go to episode 8. Episode 7 is mostly about Yui and I don't know what to do with Natsume so I'll just skip the episode. Let's start the chapter!

Natsume's POV

I was walking around the mansion, looking for Yui. She suddenly went somewhere., I don't know where she is.
Natsume: Yui! Where are you?
I walked outside to see Yui standing near the patch of roses and is holding a single red rose.
Natsume: Yui!
Yui jumped and quickly looked at me.
Yui: Natsume! You scared me.
Natsume: Sorry, why are you standing out here?
Yui: I'm just thinking about things.
Things? Yui looked like she was in deep thought so I asked
Natsume: Thinking about what?
Yui: Last night, I was sleep walking. I dreamt about the brothers.
She did? Why would she? So many questions!
Natsume: You did? What was it about?
Yui: Their childhood memories.
Natsume: How is that possible? I'm able to do that since I'm a demon. Tell me, what happened?
Yui: Shu was playing with a cute puppy and Reiji was reading a book. Their mother took the dog away from Shu and she ignored Reiji.
Laito, Kanato and Ayato were playing around but their mother forced Ayato-kun inside and made him study. Subaru was just standing in front of a tall tower and there was a women in the window. I believe that's Subaru's mother. I got pricked by a thorn and I started bleeding. I woke up and I was in a sewer, I think. Laito and Ayato showed up and they started to.......
Yui stopped speaking and looked at the rose in sadness. I hugged her gently and softly patted her head.
Natsume: I'm sorry, I couldn't protect you. I'm a horrible brother.
Yui looked at me with a sad smile and with forgiving eyes.
Yui: It's alright, it's not your fault.
Suddenly, we both heard a beautiful piano. We looked at each other and decided to walk towards it. When we got closer to the sound, we open the door to see Laito playing the piano, he notices us and smirks.
Laito: Oh! Bitch-chan and Cutie-chan! I'm thrilled you guys are here.
The only sound was the piano song Laito was playing. No one spoke until Yui walks over to Laito.
Natsume: Y-Yui!
Yui: Laito-kun, who is the women in the purple dress?
Suddenly, Laito stopped playing. He suddenly had a deep frown and cold eyes.
Yui: T-The women was pretty and had long hair.
Out of nowhere, a voice spoke out.
Kanato: Why would you like to know that?
I then noticed Kanato and Ayato behind Laito. Ayato looked at Yui and said.
Ayato: What are you doing here?
Yui was hesitant but asked anyway.
Yui: Ayato-Kun, Kanato-kun, w-what is your mother's name?
The room was silent. Kanato and Laito looked down while Ayato answered.
Ayato: Cordelia.
Suddenly, we were all in a flash back.

3rd Person P.O.V

There is a flashback showing a red moon outside and Cordelia is screaming. She is standing on the stairs of the main hall apparently wounded. She backs up a bit
Cordelia: Ayato.
We see parts of Ayato's clothes soaked in blood.
Ayato: It's a shame that these clothes are ruined now since I really liked this shirt. Now they are soaked in your blood.
He licks his hand.
Ayato: Your blood is so sweet.
He licks his hand again.
Ayato: Your blood is delicious, I want more.
Cordelia gets scared and runs but is losing blood. She finds Laito sitting at the piano.
Cordelia: L-Laito!
Laito: What's the matter mother.
Cordelia: Ayato is torturing me!
He seems somewhat surprised but says.
Laito: I knew this would happen sooner or later.
Cordelia: I command you to help me!
But then there is a loud noise and Cordelia says.
Cordelia: Ayato has come to kill me.
We see that outside the wind had become more violent.
Laito: That isn't Ayato, it's just the wind. Relax mother because I'll keep you safe.
We see Cordelia in the abandoned room. Laito comes in.
Cordelia: Have you driven Ayato away from me?
Laito: I did.
Cordelia: I knew I could always depend on you.
Laito: Do you love me more than anyone else?
Cordelia: Yes.
Laito: You never change mother.
She gives her bloody hand to Laito and he walks over to her.
Cordelia: I love you and I mean it.
We see a rose petal fall and Cordelia falling of the balcony to a bed of roses from having been apparently pushed by Laito. He looks over and says.
Laito: Now you are mine for eternity.
Laito walks away. Kanato, who is holding a candelabrum, walks over to her body.
Kanato: What's wrong mother. There is a hole in your chest, wake up.
Kanato touches her head. He wonders where her heart is.
Kanato: Mother, help me look for it.
It was silent until he then asks her.
Kanato: Are you dead? Your so cold and wet, you must be freezing.
It was silent again and he spoke.
Kanato: I'll warm you up.
He puts the candles to her and sets her on fire. He watches the fire and asks.
Kanato: Does it feels warm now? Tell me if it is getting warmer.
He stills watches and starts laughing. The flashback ended.

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