Route A: Ending

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What do you do?

  -> A. Go with Ichiro


                  B. Stay with Yui and the Sakamaki Brothers

                          You chose

A. Go with Ichiro

                       Are you sure?

                       ->Yes        No

Route A

Natsume: I'm sorry guys, I want to go with Ichiro.
Yui: No!
   Yui grabs my hand as tears pours out of her eyes.
Yui: you hate us!? Please, don't leave us.
   I smiled sadly at her and pat her head.
Natsume: I don't hate you Yui. It's just that.....I thought my one and only sibling died and I finally know that he's alive. I want to be together again as a whole family, now that my mother and father died, he's the only one ruling the underworld. I will join him and help him rule, so please understand.

Yui looked down as her tears never stop. She wiped up her tears with her sleeve and looked at me.
Yui: I understand, you need to be with him. Please....come visit me when you're not busy. I'll be lonely here without you. You were the best brother I could ever have so....whenever you have time, let's hang out okay.
Natsume: Okay.
Yui: Pinky promise.
Yui held up her pinky. I entwine my pinky around her pinky.
Natsume: I promise.
We gave last hug and let go. I look at the brothers who had sadness in their eyes.
Natsume: I will miss all of you too. So, as a parting gift...
I ran up to Subaru, who was the closest to me, and kissed him on the cheek. Subaru blushed and frozen up in shock. I kissed all the brothers on the cheek, each one of them giving different reactions. I saved Shu for last, we look at each other in the eyes.
Natsume: I'll miss you the most Shu, I hope you will become the vampire king.
Shu stayed silent.
Natsume: Well, this is good-bye.
I leaned and kissed lightly on his cheek. Suddenly, I felt arms around my waist and I was connected to a pair of lips.
Natsume: !!!!
Shu was kissing passionately, not letting me go at all. When I pulled away, my face was red and I was breathing really quickly. Shu smirked and spoke.
Shu: Once I become king, I'll come down there and propose to you. You will become my wife and we'll both rule together.

I was frozen in shock and so were the others. I quickly snapped out of it.
Natsume: Then, I'll look forward to that in the future. Bye!
I ran to Ichiro and grabbed his arm.
Natsume: Let's go.
Ichiro teleported us to his castle and oooh boy it was huge!
Ichiro: Welcome Natsume. There is already a room for you but first we must do something.
Natsume: Do what?
Ichiro: Follow me.
I followed Ichiro into a room. It was a huge library full of books in a different language.
Natsume: What do you need?
Ichiro: Give me your hands.
Natsume: Okay....
I held out my hands and Ichiro grabs them gently.
Ichiro: Close your eyes and think of nothing.
I obeyed and did what he told me. I heard him whisper something as I was suddenly filled with so much power.
Natsume: W-What did you do? I feel different.
Ichiro: I cast a spell on both of us. I gave half of my power to you, making your demon side stronger. If I die, you'll take all of my powers.
Natsume: Why did you do that?
Ichiro: A lot of demons here don't like hybrids. I gave you some of my powers to defend yourself. Once I die, someone will take the throne and make the balance of this world collapse. To prevent that, you'll have my powers and take over the throne for me.

I looked at him shockingly.
Natsume: I can't rule! I don't know how to lead.
Ichiro: Don't worry, you'll be fine. Once you show them how strong and capable you are, they will have to obey you. For now, help me rule and support me.
Natsume: Okay, let's get started.

*hundreds of years later*

Many of things happened after many years had passed. There was war, bloodshed and death but right now I'm the ruler of the underworld. Ichiro stepped down and made me ruler due to some circumstances but my subjects seen me fight and command so they accepted me. Right now I'm sitting at my throne, meeting some women that try to get into my pants and marry me.

Women #1: Please marry me, I'll give you some pleasure!
Women #2: No me!
Women #3: I'm more capable the all these dunces!
They fought as I sat on my throne, tired of watching them with my brother next to me. I was leaning on my hand boredly while Ichiro was staring at them amusingly.
Ichiro: This is hilarious.
Natsume: *sigh* I wish I could go and read my books.
Ichiro: Don't worry, this meeting will end in 30 minutes.
As I waited time to move faster, my front door was suddenly smashed open. Giving all of us in the room to be cautious.
Guard #1: Who are you!?
This person was cloaked and in black. I smelled his scent and smiled, knowing immediately who it is.
Natsume: It's fine, don't attack him.
My guards were hesitant but they obeyed my orders. The cloaked person walked in front of me, pushing the women who were here aside.
Natsume: What brings you here Shu?

Shu took off his cloaked, showing his handsome features, making the women here swoon. He kneeled down in front of me and took my hand.
Shu: Do you remember my promise?
Natsume: Of course I do, how could I forget that moment of my life.
He pulled out a beautiful ring.

Shu: Kurosaki Natsume, will you marry me and become my lovely wife and queen?
Natsume: Yes, of course I'll marry you!
I jumped off my throne and hugged him. We gave each other a sweet kiss and Shu put the ring on me.
Ichiro: Congrats! Make sure I get niece and nephews!
Natsume: Ichiro!
We let go of our wonderful hug as Shu turned around and glared at the women.
Shu: Back off, he's mine.
They ran out of my castle, leaving us alone.
Shu: It's nice to see you again.
Natsume: Same, let's get Yui to plan out our wedding.
Shu: I will, for now I'll go back. See you later.
He gave me a peck on my cheek and left my castle.
Ichiro: Welp, this has been an interesting day.
Natsume: So, have you found your queen.
Ichiro: I have someone in mind. Now let's go, you have a speech to give out today.
Natsume: Okay, let's go.
We both walked up the stairs and to the balcony, to see all of the demons of my kingdom.
Ichiro: Are you ready?
Natsume: Yeah.
I proudly walk out to the balcony, awaiting my new destiny.


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