Chapter 26: It's too late

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   Natsume's POV

   Something is wrong, terribly wrong. Yui's aura is different, her soul has changed into another.
Natsume: Yui! Where are you!?
   I ran around the mansion, trying to find Yui.
Natsume: Yui!!!

   *Yui's* POV

   I talking to Richter on the balcony.
'Yui': This reminds me of the good, old days.
   Richter responds.
Ritcher: We would forget about the time and dance the night away; it just seems like yesterday, sister in law.
   I laughed.
'Yui': You called me that intentionally, that was cute.
Richter: That wasn't intentional because you are my brother's wife and that fact is inescapable. I'm a man that fought with my brother over you and lost; in an effort to forget you, I wandered the world for hundreds of years.
'Yui': Why? There was no need to forget me since you don't owe anything to Karl Heinz. Am I right?
Richter: Only a wicked woman would compel a response to that.
'Yui': You're fun to tease! Let it go because it's all in the past. As you can see, I've been resurrected as you wished.
   Then we heard my dear son shout.
Ayato: What the meaning of this is!?
   We both turn around to see Ayato behind us.
'Yui': It's been a long time.
Ayato: What have you done?
''Yui': It appears that Ayato came here to say how pleased he is to see me again, Richter explain it to him because I need some rest because I'm not fully used to Yui's body yet. She shouldn't even be conscious yet.
    Yui tries to eject me. It's tiresome  because this body isn't fully mine yet. I was about to leave but then the door burst open to revile 'him'
Natsume: Yui!
'Yui': Oh my! It's nice to see you again, Natsume~!

   Natsume's POV

   After finally track her scent, I burst in the room where Yui was.
Natsume: Yui!
'Yui':  Oh my! It's nice to see you again, Natsume~!
   I looked at 'Yui'. This isn't her, something's off.
Yui: My dear brother!
   She spreads her arms out and hugs me.
'Yui': I'm very tired now! Would you be a dear and take me to my room?
   I grabbed her shoulders and pushed her off of me.
Natsume: Who the hell are you!? You're not Yui!
'Yui': What do you mean b-brother? It's me, Yui, your sister. You wouldn't hurt me r-right?
Natsume: Don't lie to me. Yui never acts this way and she never calls me brother. Now, who the hell are you!?
   Suddenly, her innocence smile cracked up in a wicked smirk and she laughs.
   After she was done, she wiped off her imaginary tears from her eyes.
'Yui': Your hilarious! Wow, a bond of love between fake siblings! Hilarious! Simply hilarious!
   My rage is filling up inside of me but I didn't let it all burst out.
Natsume: I said, WHO THE HELL ARE YOU!?
'Yui': Calm your tits. I am Cordelia!
Natsume: Y-Your the triplets-
Cordelia: Yes, I am the triplets mother.
   What!? How is this possible?
Natsume: Why are you in Yui's body!?
Cordelia: Well sweetheart, Yui has my heart inside of her so now, she is a part of me.
Natsume: Get out of her body!
Cordelia: You can't always get what you want.
   Cordelia walks in front of me. She held my cheeks gently but when her hands touched my skin, I flinched away.
Cordelia: Such a handsome face.
   She stroked me gently.
Cordelia: Just like your father.
   Once I heard my father, I pushed her away.
Natsume: How do you know him?!
Cordelia: Who wouldn't know the once fallen demon king. If he didn't fall in love with a human, I would've got to him first. Unfortunately I had to go to my second choice.
Natsume: Give me back Yui.
Cordelia: It's too late now.
   She walks past me. I didn't bother turning around. She said her last words before she left.
Cordelia: Ta-ta Natsume, I'll see you later~!
   She left out the door, leaving me here with Ayato and Ritcher.
Ayato: What did you do to her?
   We were all suddenly sucked into a flashback.

   Author's POV

   We see a flashback of when Cordelia lay dying in the roses and there is a storm. Richter is beside her asking what happened and who did it. She tells him that she has a request and he says whatever she wants; since her body is done for, she wants him to cut out her heart and he is shocked. She continues by saying that she then wants him to implant it into another body and she reaches out her hand and he holds it. He asks if this is the only way to keep her alive.
   She responds by saying that when the time is right, they will see each other again. She then tells him to hurry because 'he' is coming to incinerate her. Richter takes out a sword and we hear him cutting out her heart. He takes her dress and swears to her that he will resurrect her and closes her eyes and tells that until then, this is farewell.

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