Chapter 5: Niall

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Holy shit! I'd never seen a guy rush out the door as fast as Liam did. The moment he heard me say I was hungry he practically jumped over the bar and offered to go get food! I had to giggle. There was just something about him...what was it?

I mean, this morning I woke up with a boyfriend and tonight I'm having fantasies about my brother's best friend. What the hell was wrong with this picture? Maybe it's because I know he is Greg's friend. I've always been kept away from them so maybe it's just the fact that Greg is okay with it that has me attracted to the guy. Who knows.

I walked up to a bookshelf and saw a picture of both Greg and Liam. Funny, I've never seen this picture before. They were both in their swimsuits and it looked like they were at the coast. I was going to have to wipe the drool from my mouth if I kept staring at Liam like this. Hot damn he had a nice body. His tribal tattoo was gorgeous. Hmmm? Wonder if I'll ever get to see it in person? I started to feel a dull ache in my cock and had to press my legs together to make it stop.

"That picture was taken this past spring break in Port A," Greg said as he walked up behind me.

Startled that I'd just been caught staring at Liam's picture, I quickly put it down and turned around and smiled. "You sure are one handsome fella Greg. I bet y'all had boys all over you down there," I said as a way to divert him from what I was doing.

Greg threw his head back and laughed. "Nope. Well, don't get me wrong, there were a few sluts that tried to make their way back to our condo. We couldn't be bothered with most of the guys down there though. Most of them are just hoes."

"Well jeez, thanks for that. If you haven't forgotten, Lou and I went to Port A for a few days during spring break, so are you calling us hoes?" I raised my eyebrows up at him, waiting for his answer.

"Now come on, Ni, I would never ever say you were like those guys. Louis now...he's another story," Greg said as he let out a laugh and walked into the kitchen and got out a beer.

"Hey! That's my best friend! He's not a slut. I'll have you know he has never even had..." I stopped myself suddenly before I just announced to my brother that Louis was still a virgin. With the way their relationship had been lately he didn't need any more to use against him. Greg stopped his beer at his lips and tilted his head. Oh shit...a smile slowly came across his face.

"So, squirt is still a virgin is he? Huh. This is news. This could be very informative news indeed!" He let out a gruff laugh.

"Greg Horan, so help me God if you even hint to him that you know I will never talk to you again. Ever!" I said as I got up and started poking his massive chest.

He just laughed and rubbed the top of my head like I was a child. "Don't worry; his secret is safe with me!"

That reminded me. I remembered Greg's and Louis's strange exchanges all day.

"Speaking of Louis, what was going on with you two today?"

Greg stopped dead in his tracks and turned to look at me.

"What're you talking about? Nothing is going on between us. Why would you even ask that? I mean he is, well, he's just Louis," Greg said to me with a shrug of his shoulders. The stricken look on his face was like I just asked him to solve the problem of world hunger.

"I didn't mean to imply there was something going on. It's just that you were bickering with him, and it seemed like you were trying to just piss him off on purpose. He is my best friend, Greg, and I'm tired of you always treating him like a spoiled child. He is not a bratty child. He is a grown adult man and he deserves to be treated better than that. I would expect that from you of all people."

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