Blissful You

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With you,
I don't feel any remorse or rue.
A brighter, lighter hue
Are found on my cheeks because I am so happy that I am your beau.
I didn't have a clue
On how you did it but I have to admit, it's true.

Smile creeps on my face
As thoughts of you came rushing in on its pace.
I remembered calling you Stace,
Because of that name I found on your vase.
Then I laugh at the memory as you were looking
at me and stepped back creating a big space.
I felt contented by my action as I went near you
that time and apologized for my ways.

Our first embrace
Was when you felt sorry for me because of my hopeless case.
The first time we held hands
Was when you slept with me while wearing your favorite shirt and jean brands.
Our first kiss
Was when I got tempted and as our lips touched, it felt like a heavenly bliss.


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