Have Time

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Although you need to be strong,
Have the time to rest and don't make your pain prolong.
It's never bad to be one,
But don't invalidate your feelings like it's none.
Find someone you can trust,
And confide in that person if you must.

It's okay to be weak,
But don't just be too bleak.
Being vulnerable is fine,
You are even entitled to cry or whine.
So better smile,
As it make things better not just for a while.

You may fall,
But just stand up and brush off it all.
Don't give-up,
Have faith and give yourself a wrap.
And if you feel down,
Just find something happy and don't wear that much of a frown.

- SaCr1f1CeR

 Poems: Emotions Seeping ThroughWhere stories live. Discover now