Knowing You

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Knowing you,
I've seen how you're so true.
With the emotions you're feeling,
You are sometimes caught up without really never seeing.
But hey, it's not something to be frowned upon,
At least you mostly never ran.

Knowing you,
I've heard how you've been through.
It's okay to feel pain,
And to cry like it's a pouring rain.
There's nothing wrong to be vulnerable,
And at least with your body frame, you're huggable.

Knowing you,
I missed talking to you too.
"How have you been?"
Was what I asked and hoped you've seen.
I'm not sure if I'm out of the line,
Yet at least you're doing a bit fine.

- SaCr1f1CeR

 Poems: Emotions Seeping ThroughWhere stories live. Discover now