Don't You Worry

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Wide-eyed as I crawled out of bed,
Remembering the words that she said.
A single tear escaped my eye,
Then I rushed to school before I could cry.
Bawling my hand into a fist,
I can't think straight as my mind is as hazy as a mist.

Arriving at school,
I almost looked like a fool.
Locating her seems impossible,
But she's not restless so that would be improbable.
Thinking of a certain spot,
I sprinted also because I miss her a lot.

Seeing her there,
I instantly knew that she needs care.
Hugging her straight away,
Knowing full well that she's not okay.
Caressing her back gently,
I whispered on her ear that I love her plenty.

- SaCr1f1CeR

 Poems: Emotions Seeping ThroughWhere stories live. Discover now