Leap of Faith

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There on the sidewalk avenue,
I stalled for I have no clue,
What I'm doing here but believe me it's true.

I am finding a seat,
On this summer heat,
For I am now tired and beat.

It has been hours since I've been here,
But seeing this empty chair had put fear,
As it should not be clear.

Night came,
But nothing had felt the same.
It's as if the fire has burnt out its flame.

It has been months when you left,
Leaving the colors of my life in bereft,
Thinking if you really were a giver of happiness or what you really did was theft.

Tears have flowed down my face,
Because you left without a trace,
For that one fateful night, as you were leaving, I did not run for you or even just gave you a chase.

Shrugging off the emotion,
My face formed a contortion,
As I have found my only solution.

Seeing that the bridge was not that far away,
I smiled as it was okay,
And made a mental note to pray.

Arriving at the base of the bridge,
I started walking up following the footbridge,
And got my gun to check its cartridge.

Seeing it only has one bullet to spare,
I closed my eyes cause I'll stop what I am planning to do if I dare,
It's just that the very person I have loved so much, has not given left me and did not even give any care.

Opening my eyes,
It strucked me and stopped what was I going to do even though my life now is full of lies,
I then found a new way on how to cut the ties.

Mustering my courage,
I prayed for a safe passage,
Then jumped down on the edge after I sent her my last message.

- SaCr1f1CeR

 Poems: Emotions Seeping ThroughWhere stories live. Discover now