Red Pill

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Stalling as if dreaming,
A tap got me back to reality.
Ragged breathing,
That triggered an anxiety.
Rapidly blinking,
My eyes were fixated of an image and its entirety.

It's far,
So I can only see a silhouette of it.
Forcing myself to stand on this cerulean bar,
I wobbled because of dizziness and was pushed to my limit.
I felt a pang of pain within the scar,
Then my vision blurred a little bit.

Closing my eyes,
The atmosphere became still.
I then rise,
To see what really was before me and the hill.
It was you but it came with a price,
That no matter what I do, I can't get near nor touch you all due to this pill.

- SaCr1f1CeR

 Poems: Emotions Seeping ThroughWhere stories live. Discover now