Waking Moment

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In every waking moment,
Is but a nightmare I cannot comprehend.
Making me close my eyes as to be silent,
But the horrors are still there no matter how I pretend.
Yet it has opened my eyes to the reality of this world through this event.
Strained with burning want in the hopes that this will soon end.

Seeing remnants of the past I wished to have now,
Has left me in a dreamy state once or twice or more.
Where I still felt free don't ask me how,
But now this change has shaken me up to my core.
Even postponing to take my life changing vow,
Because I don't feel happiness anymore.

My body has taken its toll,
While struggling to keep the sanity in me.
The waking moments has left me in no control,
To the emotions I am now a slave of, you see.
Sleeping is the only remedy while I take this fall,
So don't worry if I don't wake up that much because I am still alive as I try to be.

- SaCr1f1CeR

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