The Place

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The place of solitude
Is only found in your arms, I conclude.
As it wraps around me, I am secure.
And the feeling, that, I'm so sure.
Not that "Don't worry, we can face eveything and fight."
But it is meant that everything's gonna be all right.

The place of stability,
Is only found in your hand, in which I'm speaking of truthfully.
As your fingers intertwine mine,
A sense of relief washes me, making me feel fine.
Which tells us that two gives off balance
And one doesn't have much power to have any chance.

The place of bliss
Is only found in your lips which I surely miss.
As your lips touch mine,
The taste is oh, so, divine.
Much like the forbidden fruit in Eden,
So tempting that it makes me driven.

- SaCr1f1CeR

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